Jesus Christ – The God-Man, Part I – His Humanity

Jesus Christ, The God-Man
Part I – His Humanity

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” 1 John 1:1-4

There are a host of views concerning the nature of the Person of Jesus Christ. Scholarly, and quite unscholarly, comments go back to the beginning of the Christian faith, and they go in every possible direction one could conceivably imagine.

It would be impossible to even touch upon every point of doctrine that has been developed over the centuries, and there really is no need to do so for a series on basic doctrine. What needs to be understood about Christ Jesus is that He is fully God, and that He is also fully Man.

Any departure from those two principle points is, by default, heretical. But how one gets to those points can also be a source of either very poor doctrine or even heresy. Care needs to be taken to explain these things without going off on a bad path.

As far as His humanity, there is no scriptural doubt about it. By the words of the prophets, by the typological pictures which anticipate Him, by His own words, and by the words of the apostles who came after Him, the humanity of Jesus Christ is an undeniable point of biblical doctrine.

But to make sure that we understand the nature of that manhood, we need to at least make a short review of Scripture, and then look over one or two views which are contrary to what is sound. Often, evaluating that which is incorrect can lead us to more rightly see what is correct.

In this sermon, as in other sermons to come, we will evaluate the doctrine of others, including some who are still alive today. To determine what is correct, one should determine what is error. To this day, we speak of the Arian heresy. That was named because of the unsound doctrine of someone named Arius.

Just because someone is alive, it does not mean that their doctrine cannot be called out. In fact, the opposite is true. Paul called out unsound teachers by name, such as in 2 Timothy 2:17. If I teach poor doctrine, or even heresy, that should be noted. If someone is going to step up to the pulpit, that person is – by default – expected to teach what is orthodox.

Text Verse: “He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.” Isaiah 53:3

The Messiah was anticipated. What His role and work detailed was certainly debated, but Israel knew one thing for certain – He would be a human being. Andrew understood this and he excitedly proclaimed it to his brother, Simon Peter –

“He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). 42 And he brought him to Jesus.’” John 1:41

Even people not of Israel knew this would be the case. We learned this from a woman of Samaria –

“The woman said to Him, ‘I know that Messiah is coming’ (who is called Christ). ‘When He comes, He will tell us all things.’” John 4:25

There was no question in anyone’s mind at the time that the coming Messiah, or Christ, would be a human being. Scripture was clear, and the genealogies were perfectly understood that it was so. What the purpose of Christ’s humanity served is a different subject and for a different time.

The fact that He is a human, and how that came to be, is what needs to be detailed here today. It is a marvelous truth which is revealed in His Superior Word. And so, let us turn to that precious word once again and… May God speak to us through His word today and may His glorious name ever be praised. 

I. Jesus Christ – A Body Prepared

Isaiah 9:6 says, “For unto us a Child is born.” It is a confirmation of what was already anticipated, even since moments after the fall of man. A human being was promised who would be born into the world, and He would be unlike all other human beings. But He would, in fact, be a human being. The word was prophesied by the Lord to the serpent who had led humanity into the sin of disobedience –

“And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:15

The Lord God promised that One would come who would bruise the head of the serpent. From the details of Genesis 4, it is evident that Eve understood exactly what was meant. The naming of her first son Cain, and the exclamation she made concerning him, reveals that truth – qaniti ish eth Yehovah – “I have acquired a man with Yehovah.”

She anticipated that her child would be the One to take on the serpent and lead her back to the Garden of Delight that she had been expelled from. That is not a dubious inference, but rather it is a proclamation based on one thing alone – the promise spoken in Genesis 3:15 – Messiah would be the Seed of the woman.

At this point in the biblical narrative, all we know is that this One will be the Seed of the woman. Thus, as she rightly deduced, He would come from her, the mother of all living. Therefore, He would be a human being. Nothing else is yet explicit. However, the curious use of the words, her Seed, do leave unanswered questions.

The reason for this is that the Bible consistently speaks of the seed of man. It is through man that generations are noted and spoken of. The genealogical listings consistently refer to children being begotten of a father, and when a woman is introduced into a record, it is to clarify a matter, or resolve some sort of dilemma.

For example, the daughters of Zelophehad are referred to several times in the book of Numbers, and in Joshua and 1 Chronicles as well. In fact, great detail is given concerning them, but it is specifically because they are daughters of a man without sons that the specificity is given.

It is the line, or seed, of the male – and that alone – that bears the importance of the generational promises and inheritances. And so, to speak of the Seed of the woman should at least cause the reader to stop and ponder why the statement was given. One could not, until after the coming of Messiah, deduce the full import or implication of the term at this point.

For now, the Bible is focusing on His human nature – He will come from a human being, regardless of any other characteristics. Indeed, unto us a Child is born.

From this point, the fact that this One will be the Seed of the woman is carefully tucked away, as if a precious jewel which needs to be protected and cared for until it is needed again some future day when God so determines it.

In its place, or rather maybe, from a different perspective, the narrative now goes solely to the seed of man. With many stories interspersed throughout the narrative, it is the generations of Adam, the first man, that are highlighted. Genesis 5 gives the first notable genealogy – Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah.

They are ten names which detail the progression of the generations of man, from man to man. They state that one begets the next and then so on down the line. No women are listed, though some are incidentally mentioned for specific purposes, but which are not especially related to the genealogical records.

After Noah, the pattern continues. There is one main line which continues to feed the hungry belly of time, filling it up with one generation after another. Eventually, the line leads to the family of Abraham, of which a lot of detail is provided, and many names are mentioned.

At times, women are included in the narrative by name, such as Sarah and Rebekah. At others, they are referred to by family, such as the two daughters of Lot. But the focus of the lines is based on the male throughout the narrative, even if the lines of those people – including the women, such as the daughters of Lot – lead to the anticipated Messiah.

It is important, however, to stop with Abraham, and to highlight one of the chief aspects of his walk before the Lord in order to understand more about this coming Seed of the woman. God, in Genesis 17, says to Abraham –

“As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. 10 This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; 11 and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. 12 He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not your descendant. 13 He who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money must be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 14 And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.” Genesis 17:8-14

The lines of man have been highlighted, and the Seed of the woman has also been referred to. But now, something new is introduced. The male organ, from which issues the seed of the man, is minutely discussed here and elsewhere from this point on.

One who is astute will at least question, “Why?” Couldn’t God have said to Abraham that he and his descendants should wear a certain hairstyle? Maybe shave their heads completely? Or, maybe wear a beard but no mustache? Couldn’t they have had a specific body mark, such as a tattoo or cutting in a conspicuous place?

Such things are found in cultures throughout the world. In fact, later in the narrative, there will be a group identified by their necks, the Anakim, first mentioned in Numbers 13. Either they have long necks, or they ornamented their necks in some obvious way, but they had a family identifier which was readily viewable to all.

However, Abraham has one that is secreted away, and it is also one which involves the very spot of the transmission of what begets humans from one generation to the next. Indeed, a connection is being made for us to ponder and contemplate.

From Abraham, the genealogical listings continue, but those which are especially highlighted are those which descend from a son of promise, Isaac, and not from a son who came in the natural way, Ishmael and other sons of Abraham.

Abraham’s many sons are listed, and at times the sons of their sons are listed as well, but these are branches off the main trunk. The main line is Isaac. And from Isaac comes Esau and Jacob. But Jacob quickly becomes the main line of note, and Esau is easily understood to be another branch.

But then, interestingly, all twelve of Jacob’s sons are highlighted as a single unit, with two more added through adoption. However, from this large assembly, hints begin to develop early on that one of these lines is of special import, Judah.

Several stories clue us into this. Eventually, it becomes perfectly obvious. By the time of David, it can be taken as an axiom that those early stories and prophecies were pointing – once again – to one particular and special listing of the generations of men.

And with the coming of David, it becomes obvious that the line, which is minutely and exactingly being detailed, is to specifically continue through him. The line of man is being highlighted, but a particular line of man is granted special note as it winds through the corridor of unfolding time.

And during this process of unfolding, promises are made which speak of a Man who is anticipated to come. Sometimes these promises, or prophecies, are veiled. Sometimes they are specific, even if the object of them is as of yet unknown.

Jacob speaks of the scepter and of Shiloh, Balaam speaks of one in the distant future who would be the Star out of Jacob and the Scepter out of Israel. The Lord spoke to David concerning the establishment of an everlasting throne and kingdom which would come from him.

And then the Psalms open up revelations, time and again, of One – a human being – who would be the fulfillment of all of the promises which had been made. Page after page of the psalms introduce new insights about Him. Quite often these could only be fully understood after His coming, but many were known to be Messianic all along.

There is enough to know that He is coming, but not enough to be definitive about who He would be, when He would come, and so on. But the overall and most evident aspect of Him is that He would be a Man. Unto us a Child is born. Humanity would clothe Him, and His garments would not be unlike our own.

And of course, the prophets also chimed in, time and again, concerning this exceptional Man to come. Micah even fills in the information that Isaiah leaves out concerning the birth of this anticipated Child –

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel.” Micah 5:2

Bethlehem is a place. It is a part of creation. It is a fixed and definite spot. But it is not just a location, like a lake or a mountain. And it is not a spot for particular animals. For example, in the Bible, there is a place called En Gedi. That means “Fountain of a Goat.” It then speaks of a place where goats are seen.

Bethlehem is a place of people. It is a city inhabited by human beings. The implication is that the anticipated Ruler would be a human as well. One plus one equals two. Nobody who reads those words from Micah would think otherwise. If He comes from a created place, and if He comes from the created people of that place, then He is a human being.

This Person would be from the city of Bethlehem, and He would be from the tribe of Judah. Judah descends from Jacob, Jacob descends from Isaac, and Isaac descends from Abraham. From there, the genealogies which have been carefully recorded go right back to Adam. Do you see how logical and orderly it all is?

Human beings beget human beings, and, therefore, this will be a Man who comes from human beings. The male line is carefully recorded for us to see this. If there is more to this Man than meets the eye, it does not negate that He will be a Man descended from humanity.

So obvious was the prophecy concerning this coming One in Micah, that when Herod the king heard the news that the King of the Jews had been born, he went to the chief priests and scribes and asked where He was to be born… this Christ; this Messiah.

Their answer was clear and precise. They simply cited Micah and told him that it would be Bethlehem. A human being, from a city of human beings, had been prophesied to come and rule.

We could go on and on, with prophecy after prophecy, clearly demonstrating that the Messiah would come into the stream of humanity as a human being, being begotten from human beings.

To state otherwise would not only violate every aspect of Scripture from Genesis to Matthew and then beyond, it would deny the very purpose of the sacrificial system of Israel which anticipated – in the minutest detail – of the need for blood atonement of a like-kind of being.

That isn’t perfectly obvious until the book of Hebrews in the New Testament, but it is as clear as can be when detailed there. Based on this, to state that this coming Messiah is either not a human being, or that He did not come through the line of humanity – from Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah and then later through Abraham by Sarah, Lot via both of his daughters, Isaac, Jacob, Judah via his daughter-in-law Tamar, Boaz through his mother Rahab the harlot, David through his wife Bathsheba, and so on down the line – yes from all of these and so many others faithfully recorded in Scripture – to state that He did not come through them, then, you are not just dealing with faulty doctrine, you are dealing with heresy. It is a fundamental denial of the genealogical humanity of the coming Messiah.                                

However, the world is full of heretics, and of those who deny this fundamental basis for the coming Messiah. One of these heresies is Docetism. This doctrine states that the occurrence of the coming of Jesus, His historical and bodily existence – and in particular His human form – was only a semblance without any true reality.

The heretic Marcion held to such a belief. He dismissed the advent of Christ as being the Jewish Messiah. To Him, Jesus was rather a spiritual entity. He viewed Christ as so Divine, that He could not have been human. Such views deny what is both logically and Scripturally necessary concerning the humanity of Jesus.

On the other side is Arianism, or its modern equivalent, the heretical doctrine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They state that Jesus was a created being and not God. The deity of the God-Man Jesus will be addressed, and this heresy will be refuted then.

There are many odd and heretical teachings between the two as well. For example, there are those who may agree that He is a human, and yet they deny that He was born into humanity. For example, let us take this quote from the sermon “The Two Adams” by Jacob Prasch and see if you can detail his errors –

“As far as God is concerned, there’s only two men who have ever existed, Adam and Yeshua. The first Adam and the second Adam. Everybody is either part of the first Adam, or part of the second Adam. Adam and Yeshua were both created by Ha’Shem by God directly and personally. And they were both created without sin. They did not have a fallen nature.” Jacob Prasch

I don’t know if he still teaches this or not. I don’t listen to other preachers unless someone tells me what they have said, and they want clarification on whether it is correct or not. If he hasn’t corrected this, then he continues in serious theological error. If he has, fine. But the video was sent to me, I was asked if it was Scriptural, and I evaluated it for that reason. I will admit that I learned a couple interesting things from the sermon, but what is said here involves a serious deficiency in Christology. 

Briefly, the first error is contained in the first sentence, “As far as God is concerned, there’s only two men who have ever existed, Adam and Yeshua.” This is such a strange statement that cannot be reconciled with reality. There are countless men who have existed, and all are known by God. Jesus Himself said as much in Mark 12:26 –

“But concerning the dead, that they rise, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the burning bush passage, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?”

Being gracious, we will overlook the obvious error that says that there are only two men who have ever existed and grant that he later defines it as referring to the state of man. Man is either in Adam, or in Christ – and there is no other option apart from those two. That is made explicit in Scripture by Paul in both Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15.

He next says, “Everybody is either part of the first Adam, or part of the second Adam.” This is an error in terminology which is not supported in Scripture. One is either “in” Adam, or “in” Christ. The term “part of” is not found in Scripture, nor does it align with sound doctrine.

One is “in” another because he bears the traits of another. One is in Adam, and he bears the traits of Adam. He may be a part of Adam’s offspring, but that is incidental. When one is “in” Christ, it means that he now bears the traits of Christ. He no longer possesses Adam’s sin nature. One may be a part of what Christ is doing in the world, but again – such a term is incidental.

When Jesus said to Peter in John 13:8, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me,” He was not speaking of physically being a part of Christ, but of having a portion, or share with Christ.

His third, and most egregious error, and which is heretical in what it teaches, is the statement, “Adam and Yeshua were both created by Ha’Shem, by God, directly and personally.” This is the heresy known as Valentinianism.

Jesus is not a created being. That is the error of many cults, such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, Jesus, in His humanity, is a part of the creation. There is a world of difference between the two, and it is what defines the distinction between orthodoxy and heresy.

To state that God created Jesus directly and personally as He did with Adam, is to then deny the entire body of Scripture which points to the begetting of human beings, one to another, from Adam to Christ.

God created all things, it is true, but the body of Christ, is an incidental part of creation, not a direct act of creation. Rather, God prepared a body out of that creation for the incarnation. This is evidenced by Hebrews 10:5 –

“Therefore, when He came into the world, He said:
‘Sacrifice and offering You did not desire,
But a body You have prepared for Me.’” Hebrews 10:5

Scripture, given by God, carefully – even meticulously – details the preparation of the body of Christ, through seventy-five direct generations of fallen human beings as is recorded in Luke 3, and with the introduction of even more fallen souls who are found in the pages of Scripture, and who likewise enter into His genealogy.

To say that Jesus was created by God, directly and personally, and to have that mean what is being conveyed in that sermon, would be exactly the same thing as saying that Charlie Garrett was created by God, directly and personally.

It is at best a category mistake, but such a category mistake results in the formulation of a heretical doctrine. The body of Christ, despite having come through these innumerable fallen souls was prepared perfectly by God, not suddenly created. Jesus is the seventy-seventh name noted in Luke’s genealogy, and God is the first.

The record is given, and the details are provided, to ensure that the error of assuming that Jesus was a being created directly and personally by God, would not be made. The statement that Jesus was created is incorrect, but that He was – and is – without sin is true.

But how can that be reconciled? If Jesus’ humanity descended from fallen beings, then how can it be that Jesus was without sin? The answer is found in what was commanded to Abraham in Genesis 17, and which is found in the body of every properly observant Jew concerning this precept to this day, even if they missed the significance of what it anticipated – circumcision.

It was fitting for Him, our Lord Jesus
For whom are all things, and by whom they are as well
In bringing many sons to glory, even us
As the precious words of Scripture do tell 

To make the Captain of our salvation
Perfect through sufferings, His great tribulation

For both He who sanctifies
And those who are being sanctified too
Are all one; in His death each of us dies
A marvel in how His children He does accrue 

For which reason He is not ashamed, time and again
To call them brothers, you and me too
Saying “I will declare Your name to my brethren
In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You”

II. Jesus Christ – the Sinless Man

God said to Abraham in Genesis 17:11 that being circumcised in the flesh of the foreskin was “a sign of the covenant between Me and you.” A sign is representative of something else. It is not a thing all by itself, as many Jews seem to perceive it. “See, I am circumcised, and this is the sign of the covenant between God and me. I am right because of the cut in my flesh.”

That is incorrect. A sign anticipates, pictures, and reveals something else. This is why Moses speaks twice in Deuteronomy of circumcision of the heart in verses 10:16 and 30:6, why Jeremiah repeats that many hundreds of years later in Jeremiah 4:4, and then Paul explains what a true Jew is with these words –

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.” Romans 2:28, 29

The physical aspect of circumcision looks to an inner aspect. If the latter is missing, the former is void of any value. Indeed, circumcision is not limited to the Jewish people. Rather, it has been and is practiced by Gentile cultures around the world, and their circumcision is as meritless as the circumcision found in Jews whose hearts are not circumcised along with their flesh.

If circumcision is a sign of something else, then what is it a sign of? It is that which many other signs from the Old Testament anticipate, Christ. Adam, a true and actual human, was created without sin, but fell through disobedience. In his fall, sin entered the world, and as Paul then explains –

“Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned— 13 (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.” Romans 5:12-14

In other words, all bear Adam’s image, meaning his sin nature. Adam sinned, and in Adam all sinned. Because of sin, man is unrighteous. But God declared Abraham righteous by a simple act of faith. That is seen in Genesis 15, prior to the giving of the sign of the covenant –

“‘Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.’
And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” Genesis 15:6

The righteousness of Abraham led to the covenant with Abraham, and the covenant of Abraham was given a sign – circumcision. That sign anticipated the coming of Christ. Abraham understood this because he had already been told as much in Genesis 12 –

“Now the Lord had said to Abram:
‘Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father’s house,
To a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’” Genesis 12:1-3

The promise of Messiah had already been made, the continued understanding of His coming is implied in the words to Abraham, and thus, Messiah would come through Him. As Abraham was not the father of all the families of the earth, then it follows that the words spoken to him were in relation to Messiah who would descend from him. This is something that would be again confirmed to him.

Later, as we saw, Abraham was declared righteous by faith in God’s words. And today, how is one declared righteous? It is through faith in Christ. But that is getting ahead of ourselves.

We have to remember that it is the humanity of Christ which makes this obtainable. As Christ was not created, directly and immediately, then He descended from Adam and his subsequent generations – as the Bible clearly lays out.

But if all in Adam have sinned, then how can Christ, who is descended from Adam, be sinless? And indeed, Paul clearly says that Christ is so descended. Was David descended from Adam? Yes or no? We all agree that it is so. And, in fact, David inherited sin because of this –

“Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me.” Psalm 51:5

David is descended from Adam. But Paul says of the gospel to his protégé Timothy –

“Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.” 2 Timothy 2:8

If David is of the seed of Adam, and Christ is of the seed of David, then Christ is of the seed of Adam. In proper theology one plus one always equals two. To support this further, the author of Hebrews says that Christ arose from Judah (7:14).

The term “seed of David” cannot be misconstrued or twisted because of this. The genealogical record does not allow anything but a real descent from Adam through these men, and then to Christ Jesus. But this is only true in His human nature. And so, where is the dilemma resolved?

It is because of a young Jewish girl named Mary. Whether Mary is of the line of David or not is debated. She was a cousin of Elizabeth who is clearly from the priestly line of Levi through Aaron. But this does not mean Mary was.

It could be that the mother of Mary, and the mother of Elizabeth, were sisters descended from Aaron, but Mary’s mother could have married a man of Judah. If so, then Mary would be reckoned as being of the tribe of Judah through her father. Regardless of this though, Joseph was of the tribe of Judah and the house of David –

“Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David.” Luke 1:26, 27

Because the line of a child is based on that of the father, to include all inheritance rights, the birth of Jesus would have been reckoned as such. However, as the account tells us, the Holy Spirit came upon her, and the power of the Highest overshadowed her. God is the Father of Christ.

As sin travels through the father, and as Christ’s true Father is God, He inherited no sin. The rite of circumcision, the sign of the covenant, is simply a picture of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It is the cutting of the sin nature because of the cutting of that which transmits the sin from father to child. Picture fulfilled. Hence, circumcision is not required to be included in the New Covenant, as Paul clearly states again and again in his epistles.

This then takes us back even further. The Bible has spoken of the generations of Adam, the generations of Noah, the generations of Shem, Terah, Ishmael and Isaac, Esau, Levi, and so on. The seed of the man has directed the course of human history, even to Christ.

But there is another Seed which affects all of them – the Seed of the woman. We were admonished earlier to stop and ponder why the Messiah would be called the Seed of the woman. It is the seed of man by which genealogies would be determined. Right?

However, it is the Seed of the woman that would bruise the serpent’s head. The Lord didn’t say to Eve, “Your seed will bruise the serpent’s head.” She just assumed it was so. He said to the serpent, v’evah ashit benekha u-ben ha’ishah – “And enmity I will put between you and between the woman.”

Eve had to assume that “the woman” was her, and the assumption was wrong. One can argue at another time if the woman is Israel or Mary, but Mary is of Israel. The Seed of the woman is the Man, Christ Jesus. Mary was the human receptacle for the God-Man. Thus, He bears all of her humanity, but none of man’s sin.

The sign of circumcision is fulfilled. The sin-nature of Adam is cut, and the righteousness of God is found in Him. This would not be true if Jesus were a created being. He would not bear the humanity of David, which Paul clearly states is found in Him.

He would also not be a descendant of Abraham, or Isaac, or Jacob, as promised to them. Paul explicitly says that, and he cited Scripture to show that the human link is found in Christ –

“Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, ‘And to seeds,’ as of many, but as of one, ‘And to your Seed,’ who is Christ.” Galatians 3:16

Again, to deny the genealogical record of Christ, leading to His incarnation and which makes up His humanity, one has to completely abuse the force and intent of the entire body of Scripture. Jesus was born into the stream of humanity, not created, and He was and is fully human.

More importantly, a denial of the truth of the genealogical humanity which led to Him would result in a problem with the deity of Christ as well. If Mary was just a receptacle for the creation of Jesus as some have claimed, then 1) Jesus is not God, because there is only One God who cannot create another God, or 2) God would have had to create a body for Christ, which He then united with.

There would be no begetting of His humanity in the process. This is similar to a confusion of thought concerning Christ’s deity which is seen in the error of the heretic Arius. He said, “If the Father begat the Son, then he who was begotten had a beginning in existence, and from this it follows there was a time when the Son was not.”

This is an error in understanding the nature of God. Jesus Christ is God. If God created Jesus in the womb of Mary, and yet He is God, then God and His creation are one indivisible single unit, but they are not. The incarnation says that God is the Creator and the creation is created.

Therefore, there is a distinction between the humanity and deity of Christ, a doctrine known as the hypostatic union. This describes the union of God and Man in the person of Jesus Christ – two hyposies, or states, in one.

He didn’t possess humanity before His conception, but since His conception, He is clothed in humanity forevermore. And although He is united with human flesh in this “hypostatic union,” He is not bound by the human nature; He remains fully God. His two natures are not in any way separate and yet they in no way intermingle. But if His body was created in the womb by God, for Jesus who is God, the two would intermingle.

Rather, His humanity remains human. He has all the attributes of man.

  1. Human genealogy
  2. He aged and increased in knowledge,
  3. He prayed
  4. He got hungry.
  5. He got tired.
  6. He felt compassion.
  7. He wept.
  8. He was thirsty.
  9. Many times, more than 100 in fact, He is called the Son of Man or the Son of David, demonstrating his human nature.

Adam was created, and he is not God, though he wanted to be like God. Jesus Christ IS God. This is exactly the opposite of what Mr. Prasch later says in his sermon. He says, “He was God who became a man” (23:50). This is incorrect. He IS God who united with humanity in the incarnation. But unlike Adam, He treated His state in exactly the opposite way–

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:5-8 

In the womb of Mary, there was not a creation of man and a uniting with that man, thus forming a human who is God – a logical impossibility, because God is infinite.

Instead, there was a human who was a part of the creation and who was designed to bear children, who then was overshadowed by the Creator in order to beget a Son. The result is the God-Man, Jesus Christ. He is a fully human, but He is also God. This is why the very first page of the Bible tells us that all things reproduce after their own kind. Humans beget humans. God begat a Son. And Jesus Christ is the God-Man.

The humanity of Jesus Christ serves all of the purposes of redemption for fallen man, because He is the embodiment of all that is needed to redeem fallen man. Without this humanity, man could not be redeemed, but through the shed blood of Christ, it is possible. But more, without the shed blood of Christ, it is impossible.

All of the types and pictures of the sacrificial system of the Old Covenant only anticipated the coming of Messiah. As Hebrews 10:4 says –

“For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.”

If one thinks about it logically, Christ is both the sacrifice for sin, and He is the standard for judgment. He was found without sin, and He prevailed over death because of it. He is the embodiment of the law, and therefore, what He has done is the ideal to which all others must attain in order to meet God’s standard and be accepted by Him.

Therefore, one will either be found in Christ, and thus acceptable to God, or he will not be in Christ and be found unacceptable to God. The judgment will be that simple to conduct. There will be no balances to weigh out good and bad. There will be no listing of deeds leading to justification. There will be no time in purgatory which leads to a state of sanctification and holiness. There will only be those in Christ and those who are not in Christ. Those in Christ will be saved; the others will be condemned.

For now, we will close with the thought that theology matters, doctrine matters, and both of them matter in being precise. It is one thing to not know a matter, be given the gospel, and to then be saved by receiving the gospel.

It is another thing to be taught a heretical teaching and then be asked to trust in the one whom that heretical teaching proclaims. The first will be saved. Such a person does not need to be told the many intricate details of the incarnation of Jesus Christ in order to be saved. He simply hears the gospel, receives it, and is saved.

However, when someone is told in advance of hearing the gospel that Jesus is a created being; or that Jesus Christ is not God; or that people need to continue to observe the law in order to be saved; or that a person can lose his salvation; and on and on and on, he has put his trust in a false Jesus and he will not be saved.

How can we know this is true? Because Paul says as much in Galatians 1 –

“I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:6-9

Another gospel is no gospel. Be sure to share the gospel, but don’t confuse who Jesus is, what the nature of Jesus Christ who is God is, or anything else in your presentation. Stick to the basics, and then they can go about ruining their doctrine all by themselves if they so wish. Or, they can pursue that which is sound and reasonable in order to stand approved before the Lord on the Day when we face Him for our rewards and losses.

Closing Verse: “For it is evident that our Lord arose from Judah…” Hebrews 7:14

2 Peter 2:3

Sunday, 26 January 2020

By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. 2 Peter 2:3

Peter now continues with his words concerning the false teachers he introduced in verse 2:1. He says of them that “By covetousness they will exploit you.” The Greek word en, or “in,” is used – “In covetousness.” It is the realm in which they live, move, and operate. In that life sphere, they take advantage of, and exploit, others.

Here, he uses a word – translated as “exploit” – which was only used elsewhere in James 4:13, emporeuomai. One can see the basis of the word “emporium” in it. It means to make gain or engage in trade. These false teachers “engage in the trade” of leading others astray. As an emporium has many articles for sale, the appeal is to the masses. The more deceived followers, the happier these people are.

Nothing is said of the type of covetousness here because each may have his own perverse failing which controls his existence. For some it may be money, for others it may be the wielding of power, for others it may be sexual perversion. Whatever it is that they covet, they know that religion is a way of obtaining the fulfillment of their sick desires, and so they exploit others “with deceptive words.”

Now Peter uses a word which is only found here in Scripture, plastos. Here, we can easily see the basis for the word “plastic.” It signifies to mold by using clay or wax. Thus, one forges something which is artificial, contrived, and unrealistic. These false teachers take something which is obviously intended to be presented in one way, and they reform it into something entirely contrary to what it was intended to be.

Generally, there are up to four ways of viewing an Old Testament passage – literal, moral, historical, and prophetic. Each of these may be valid in some measure. For example, the Ark of the Covenant was literally made. It was actually fashioned in the manner given and with the materials provided.

But the Ark also bears a moral lesson for the people. The tablets were placed inside, signifying that though the law was given to the people, it was not actually obtainable to them. Atop the ark was the mercy seat where blood was applied each year on the Day of Atonement. That showed that man required a sacrifice for his transgressions under the law. And so on.

The Ark also carried meaning historically. It was given to Israel only. It was given for the duration of the time of the law, meaning the Mosaic Covenant. Etc.

And the Ark had prophetic significance. Each aspect of it looked to Christ. The type of wood looked to Christ’s human nature – morally incorruptible. The pure gold looked to His deity. The tablets of law, placed inside of it, looked to Him as the embodiment of the law. And so on.

In analyzing Scripture, such things must be reasonable, they must match the rest of Scripture in purpose and intent, and they must be consistent. However, someone may take this pattern and reshape it into something entirely unintended. In doing so, the true meaning of these things is lost, and people are pulled into strange and aberrant doctrines.

For example, some have said that the shape and materials of the ark actually form a transmitter which would be so powerful, it could be used to talk directly to aliens or God. Such nonsense has nothing to do with what is conveyed by God. It is a bucket full of lies, and yet, it is believed by people who want to hear such things. They look to have their ears tickled, and they have no desire to know the truth. For every such sucker, there is someone to lead him along on the road to destruction.

Of such people, Peter says that “for a long time their judgment has not been idle.” The KJV says, “a long time lingereth not,” as if this is speaking of the duration of time in the past, and that the time of waiting is soon to come. Rather, the Greek reads, “from of old their judgment has not been idle.”

The duration of time past is not what is being relayed, but that the coming judgment has been ordained all along. And the amount of future time is not what is being considered as much as what occurs during the time. There is nothing idle in the process. Their judgment is being worked out the whole time that their actions are also being worked out.

While these false teachers are working out evil in their sphere of covetousness, their judgment – or sentence – is also being actively worked out. Nothing of what is due them is missed, and what will come upon them will be appropriate to their level of wicked work. One can look back at the wickedness of man – in Genesis 6, or that of Sodom and Gomorrah – and see that, from of old, such things were not tolerated, and they are not tolerated still. Peter then further says that “their destruction does not slumber.”

There is no time that the destruction which is called for in such cases simply takes a nap. Rather, it is always ready to be poured out on such people. And when it comes, it is because God has determined that it is time for it to be so. The idea is that people see other false teachers profiting off their flocks. They then begin to think, “God doesn’t care. I will take advantage of the situation too.” But at some point, God will judge such things, and their destruction is sure. It will be total in its effects, and it will be final – just as it was at the Flood of Noah, and just as it was for Sodom and Gomorrah.

Life application: The false teachers that Peter has been speaking of have fallen into the same trap of the world as any common criminal – covetousness. Their eyes are full of greed and lust as they look at the pleasures of the world around them and betray the truth of the Bible for dishonest gain. This is accomplished by exploiting their followers with deceptive words where the truth of the Bible is twisted and manipulated for the sake of money.

A perfect place to go in order to witness firsthand such twisted teaching is televangelism. A large portion of these people simply look at the Bible as a tool to get rich. They take something good, turn it to financial gain, and make it appear as if what they are doing is the standard.

This is what happens, for example, on Wall Street. It is also what happens in the ministries of false teachers. People mix what is right with that which is inappropriate. Anytime (anytime!) a pastor, evangelist, preacher, priest, or teacher promises you a financial (or otherworldly) blessing for sending his (or her) ministry money, you should run, not walk, from them. There are no “financial breakthroughs,” “financial harvests,” “miracle healings,” etc. to be found by following this avenue. There is only an exchange of money from your pocket to theirs.

Peter has strong words of condemnation for those who would twist Scripture for gain. These people, seemingly pious and sincere, will receive enormously large and lengthy doses of God’s wrath for perverting what He has given to man in love – His Son.

Jesus hung on a cross to free men’s souls, not to enrich the people of His flock. We shouldn’t kiss the ring of the notable, we shouldn’t look forward to profit by our gifts to them, and we shouldn’t expect a miracle for our faith. Rather, we look to the Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving for having saved us from what we rightfully deserve – judgment and condemnation. Thank You Lord for having mercy on us!

Lord, You have given us more than we could ever imagine – forgiveness and redemption. This came at the highest cost of all, the cross of Jesus our Lord. May we never expect more, and may our souls be satisfied in You alone. Keep us from those who would lead us into covetousness, and keep our hearts, minds, souls, and thoughts on Jesus alone. Amen.




2 Peter 2:2

Saturday, 25 January 2020

And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 2 Peter 2:2

There is a dispute between manuscripts in this verse. Some say the plural of the same word used in verse 2:1 (destructive). Others use a different word signifying licentiousness. Either way, the intent is that the false teachers will lead those they teach astray, the number being “many.”

This has been true throughout the church age. False teachers leading aberrant sects and cults have taken many down unsound paths of unrighteousness, sexual sin, perversion, bad doctrine, and on and on. This isn’t just limited to those who branch off from the mainstream church, but it is also found in a great way among the church itself. Within large mainstream denominations, there is an underlying culture of sexual sin and the covering up of it when it catches public attention.

At times, however, what is shameful becomes an open part of the ways of such people, such as Joseph Smith of the Mormons. Today, that has become a reality in many “mainstream” denominations where such destructive and licentious ways are openly acknowledged and applauded. Several branches of the Presbyterians, the Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Methodists, and many more all applaud sexual perversion, abortion, and other unholy lifestyle choices. In fact, it seems that it has almost become a requirement for the selection and ordination of candidates to hold completely unholy values.

Even the most conservative denominations in the church today are showing signs of cracking and giving way to such avenues. The magnitude of the term “many will follow” probably could not have even been imagined by Peter as he sat and wrote out the words of his epistle. It is because of following such people, and their perverse agendas, that many will be led astray, Peter notes concerning them that “the way of truth will be blasphemed.”

There are at least two ways that this is true. The first is that people would actually believe that this is what the gospel teaches. It is taking something pure and glorious, and turning it into something vile, perverse, and unholy. The second is that people would then accuse the gospel of actually being responsible for what the people did. The first thought leads directly to the next. When it is believed that the gospel is the source of such unholy conduct, then it is also such a distortion of the gospel that will lead people to follow that same path of unholiness.

Consider, for example, that homosexuals are gladly ordained as pastors and priests in such denominations. Then they are eventually elevated to the positions of bishop, it is no wonder that the outside world sees this conduct, believes that it is something acceptable within Christianity, and turns from any desire to participate in the faith at all. The greatest heathen in society is often on a better moral standing than the highest officials within the church. When this is so, woe to those who lead and participate in such halls of unrighteousness.

Life application: Such people are set on their own appetites and how they can manipulate others for their own benefit and glory. Unfortunately, in order to be a false teacher with followers, there must be those who follow.

History is replete with such groups and sects. In the 1800s, there was a huge turning away from the truth, and many heretics flourished in the freedom provided by the US Constitution. The Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and some Adventist groups grew rapidly in numbers. All of this occurred because people followed a charismatic leader rather than paying heed to the Bible – which admonishes us to follow the Lord, to think on the Lord, and to fix our eyes on the Lord.

Cults continue to spring up in our times, but something much less obvious has arisen in the 20th and early 21st century. Heretics have infiltrated mainstream denominations – both in the seminaries and in the pulpits. Bad doctrine abounds, and there has been a grand shift from reliance on the word of God to the traditions and teachings of these heretical leaders.

What the Bible clearly forbids is heralded as “tolerant,” and they say God is “doing a new thing.” But God is unchanging, and His standards never fluctuate. Sadly, the congregants who sit in these denominations are accountable for their failure to investigate what they are taught, but the majority will fail to do so. As you attend church, please compare what is taught with what the Bible says. If the two contradict each other, the problem rests with the church or the pastor, not with God and His loving intent for you. The problem might also rest with you if you do not leave the congregation.

What He speaks is for the good of His creatures; the Bible is for our well-being and to dismiss it will only bring sadness. Be filled with the joy of the Lord; read, learn, and love His word – the Holy Bible.

Heavenly Father, You are a great and loving God. We know that Your word is meant to lead us down paths of righteousness and safety, and we divert from it at our own peril. Please continue to give us the desire, time, and ability to study and discern Your word and intent for us. All glory to You. Amen.










2 Peter 2:1

Friday, 24 January 2020

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:1

Peter now makes a contrast to the holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Spirit mentioned in the previous verse. Unlike them, he now notes, “But there were also false prophets among the people.” Here, he uses the word ginomai. It signifies becoming or coming into being, and so it is more properly translated as, “But there arose false prophets among the people.”

These people grew out of the same congregation, but they did so without any sanction by the Lord. The true prophet of God was called by God. For example, Amos was a sheep breeder in the land of Judah, but the Lord called him to prophesy to the people of Israel.

The calling of a prophet is recorded at various times in the Old Testament, establishing the truth of his prophetic office. However, there are times where false prophets are clearly identified, some by name, others simply by the message they conveyed. The book of Jeremiah extensively deals with both false prophets and the false messages they would proclaim. Peter then notes that nothing will be different in the church. As he says, “even as there will be false teachers among you.”

Peter says this in the future tense, but he is certainly not excluding the fact that there could be false teachers among them even at that time. He is taking the long view of the matter and showing that false prophets will be as common in the church as they were among Israel. Jude, a contemporary of Peter, noted that such people had, in fact, crept into the church (Jude 1:4).

Peter then notes that such people would not normally do this openly. Rather, he says they “will secretly bring in destructive heresies.” The word he uses is found only here in the Bible. It signifies “close beside.” Therefore, these people will slide into their positions as if they are sound and proper. They will seem to be true followers of the Lord, but what they will then introduce will be heresies which only lead to ruin and destruction.

An example of this is the doctrine of “dual covenantalism.” It teaches that Jews are saved by adherence to the Old Covenant, while Christians are saved through the new. John Hagee teaches this, and it is actually the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church and others. This is a destructive heresy because, instead of bringing salvation to the Jews he speaks to, the aberrant teaching is only leading theses Jews to condemnation and hell. No person – Jew or Gentile – can be saved through adherence to the Mosaic Covenant.

However, there are many other heresies out there. The list seems to get longer by the day as people dream up new and aberrant doctrines. Some are so flagrant that they even deny “the Lord who bought them.” The word Peter uses for “Lord” is not the one most commonly seen. It is one which signifies a master who possesses unrestricted power and absolute rule and domination.

The startling aspect to Peter’s words is that he did, in fact, deny the Lord. It is something that everyone knew about, and that everyone continues to know. Peter’s desire is that people watch, pay heed, and turn from any such action – even if it is from the most trusted of sources. No matter who it is, if they begin to deny the Lord, the people around him are to also turn from him. Such a denial will inevitably lead to disaster. As Peter says of them, they will “bring on themselves swift destruction.”

The verb is in the same tense as “denying,” and it should be rendered “bringing.” As Charles Ellicott says of this – “The two participles, ‘denying’ and ‘bringing,’ without any conjunction to connect them, are awkward, and show that the writer’s strong feeling is already beginning to ruffle the smoothness of his language.”

Peter is thoroughly frustrated at the thought of what he knew was coming. Having denied the Lord, he knew how easy it would be for others to do so. What is unclear is whether these are saved people, or if the words, “the Lord who bought them,” are speaking in a general sense, meaning that Christ’s atonement was sufficient for their purchase. Either way, they have departed from the truth.

If they were saved, that will not be lost, but the problem with teaching such heresies is not that it will affect the teacher’s salvation, but rather it will keep those who hear the false message from being saved. However, if they were not saved, and the idea of being bought by the Lord is one which is potential, but not actual, they will receive their just due for the denial of the Lord. Finally, the destruction that Peter speaks about is not one of occurring swiftly in time, but swiftly in the event. Whenever the Lord’s judgment comes, it will be swift, complete, and permanent.

Life application: The Bible is the only witness to the work of Jesus. It tells of His work from before time all the way through to eternity future. We cannot have a reliable view of Jesus without the Bible, and the Bible provides everything we need to have a complete and untarnished view of Him. In turn, Jesus reveals the unseen God.

Therefore, we cannot have a competent view of God without a proper view of Jesus. These truths are inseparable. Therefore, to dismiss even a single verse of the Bible tarnishes our view of God.

For example, we cannot hold onto God’s love without also proclaiming his wrath. Heresies are any teaching which will keep another from salvation through Christ. This is in contrast to bad doctrine which is something that doesn’t necessarily keep another from salvation, but it certainly leads them to misunderstandings of proper life in Christ.

Heretical teachers, though profiting in this world, will receive swift destruction when they face God. Unfortunately, those who follow heretics will be swept away with them. This is why knowing and properly handling your Bible is of eternal value. God doesn’t force Himself upon mankind. Rather, He expects us to reasonably and intelligently pursue Him and His expectations for us.

O God, how can we know if what we hear is true? By standing firm on Your word! Keep us filled with the strong and lasting desire to read, study, and remember what the Bible proclaims. For by it, we have an understanding of Jesus. And through Him, we have an understanding of You. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Bible. Amen.





2 Peter 1:21

Thursday, 23 January 2020

for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21

Peter now twice uses the same word that he used in verses 1:17 & 1:18, both of which should have been translated as “borne.” In this case, pherō was translated as both “came” and “moved.” Here, that should follow suit. The reason for this is, as was noted, the Holy Spirit was being referred to. The voice was “borne” to Christ from the Excellent Glory (verse 1:17), and the voice was “borne” from heaven, when they were with him on the holy mountain (verse 1:18).

To be consistent in translation here will then help the reader see what is on Peter’s mind as he more literally says, “…for not at any time was prophecy borne by the will of man.” Obviously, Peter is speaking of true prophecy. If it is true, the Source is from God, and the Holy Spirit is the member of the Godhead by which it is brought forth.

Paul alludes to this in Ephesians 6 when he says, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” He also refers to this process in 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 when he says that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

God inspired these “holy men of God” in a unique process which is not fully understood. It should be noted that many manuscripts leave off the word “holy” here, simply saying “men of God.” Despite this minor change, these men were chosen by God and were used to convey to us the words that He intended for us to know His will in the stream of human existence. In order to do this through them, it says, “but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”

Again, a literal translation will better help understand Peter’s words. It says, “but by Spirit Holy being borne, spoke from God, men.” The origin of the words is God. The third member of the Godhead is the One by which the words are borne, and the men then speak those same words of God. It is an incredible thing to consider.

Though not being fully understood how this occurred, logical assumptions can be made concerning it. The men of God weren’t inspired like artists or poets might be – as if their ideas came from an internal thought process. But at the same time, they weren’t completely controlled in the process either.

A pen or typewriter has no active part in the compilation of a book, but the prophets of the Bible did. Instead of being completely in control of the process, or being completely controlled by the process, the Holy Spirit bore these men along using their individual vocabulary styles, background knowledge, and even personalities. This was a divine process which resulted in exactly what God intended, despite having the unique traits of these men. This is the reason that we can tell differences in authors’ styles and yet see God’s handiwork in each word, sentence, paragraph, page, and book of the Bible.

As an example, if someone plays the guitar, Eddie Van Halen for example, his personal style shows through. Anyone familiar with how he plays will say, “Hey, that’s Eddie Van Halen…” And yet, he may be playing a tune composed by Beethoven. If you’re also familiar with Beethoven’s style of writing, without ever hearing the song before, you could say, “Hey, Eddie Van Halen is playing a tune composed by Beethoven!” Imagine now an entire orchestra playing this music.

Each person’s instrument and his individual style comes through, and is entirely unique. But at the same time, these people were all inspired by the same great master – Beethoven. Divine inspiration does not negate individual style. Rather, it takes it into account and these men of God were moved in a way which reveals that “Every word of God is pure” (Proverbs 30:5).

Life application: We can have complete assurance that the Bible is God’s perfect revelation to mankind. It is for this reason, as confirmed by Jesus’ own words, that we cannot dismiss any part of the Bible. The Bible is a unified whole. It is authoritative in all it proclaims, teaches, and expects for the conduct of our lives.

Heavenly Father, may we never arrogantly assume that we can dismiss parts of the Bible we disagree with. Give us the wisdom to understand that You are the divine Source of all Scripture and that Your Holy Spirit actively ensured that we have in its pages exactly what we need in order to properly live our lives. Amen.