1 Timothy 2:13

Saturday, 2 December 2017

For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 1 Timothy 2:13

Paul will now give a logical and reasonable explanation for why women are not to be teachers of men, nor to have authority over them. He says, “For Adam was formed first.” Adam was created directly by God out of the dust. This is recorded in Genesis 2:7 –

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”

Because of this, Adam is the head of the human race. He stands then as a type of Christ who is the Head of the church. That Adam is a pattern of Christ to come, in this regard, is explained in 1 Corinthians 15 and elsewhere. Only after creating Adam does the Bible then record the creation of the woman. As Paul says, “then Eve.” This is recorded in Genesis 2 as well –

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.” Genesis 2:21, 22

Eve was not formed from the ground, but rather from the man. If only chronology of formation was considered, beasts would be above men because they were formed before Adam. However, not only was man formed before the woman, but what formed her was taken from the body of man. Thus she is the weaker vessel, and the one who was to be in subordination to the man. The typology seen here looks forward to Christ and the church. As woman came from man who was in a deep sleep (typical of Christ’s death), so the church issued forth from the death of Christ. Thus there is a set typology which was ordained from the beginning concerning men and women. To violate this typology is to then usurp what the typology points to, the rule of Christ as Head of the church. Paul explains this in 1 Corinthians 11. An incorrect argument for women to be preachers and teachers today issues from the words of Paul which state in Galatians 3:28 –

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The argument is that because Paul says, “there is neither male nor female,” and that all are one in Christ Jesus, that it is now acceptable for women to preach and teach, in direct contradiction to Paul’s words here in 1 Timothy 2. The verse in Galatians is speaking of spiritual position in Christ. Just as Jews once alone held the spiritual blessings, now Gentiles do as well. The very fact that Paul uses categories – Jew, Gentile, male, female – indicates that there is a difference between them, even if there is no distinction in spiritual blessing. A Gentile does not become a Jew when he comes to Christ. And both men and women remain as men and women when they come to Christ. In other words, the logic in using Galatians 3:28 is a category mistake.

Charles Ellicott wisely and correctly states, “This teaching of St. Paul’s respecting the public position of woman as regards man, in which he shows that she is to hold a subordinate place—is based upon no arbitrary human speculation, but upon God’s original order in creation—that divine order which first created man, and after man’s creation, formed woman as his helpmeet.”

The divine order set by God, when overturned by the church, violates what God has ordained. It ignores His divine will, and it is in direct disobedience to the prescriptive writings of the New Testament. How terrifying it will be for such disobedient women – and those men who ordained them in disobedience to the word of God – when they stand before Him for judgment. It will not be a day of accolade and praise for their willful ignoring of His word.

Life application: The Bible is a book of logic. There is no logic in violating God’s word. The emotional decisions which authorize a violation of God’s word in order to justify the ordination of women are thus illogical. As we will be judged based on a reasonable, logical, and moral application of our adherence to the word of God, our emotions should always be ignored when making theological decisions. How unfortunate that this is wholly ignored in the ordination of women in the church today.

Lord God, it is certain from an understanding of Your word that our judgment will be made based on a logical and moral application of Your word to our lives – one which is reasonable as guided by adherence to Your word – and not based on our emotions. And so, help us to not base our theology on our emotions. Instead, may our emotions be a result of our theology – ever grateful and rejoicing in what Christ has done. In this, we will not err, and we will surely be found pleasing in Your sight. Amen.

1 Timothy 2:12

Friday, 1 December 2017

And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 1 Timothy 2:12

There is an emphasis in the Greek of this verse which is given to indicate the set and determined meaning of the words. It begins with the word “teach.” Thus the Greek emphatically reads, “To teach, however, a woman not I do permit, nor to have authority over a man.” The words are clear, they are concise, they are prescriptive, and they are no less the word of God than any other portion of Paul’s writings. Women are not to teach men, nor are they to exercise authority over them.

Paul is writing of church matters in a pastoral epistle which is included in the word of God. It is not “culturally” driven. It is not “time” driven. The letter is for guidance of the church, at all times, and in all cultures. To be sure, both testaments of the Bible speak of women who bore authority, or who prophesied. Among these are Deborah, Hannah, Anna, Huldah, and the seven daughters of Philip. However, context applies in all matters of doctrine. All of these are either under Old Testament times, or they are in the book of Acts. Acts is a book which is descriptive in nature, and which is given to show the progression of the church until the prescriptive writings of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, would finally and firmly set church doctrine for this dispensation. Paul’s letter to Timothy is such a prescriptive writing.

Paul will explain, in detail, why he writes these prohibitions, and they have to do with the natural order of things, as ordained by God. To dismiss what he writes is to then ignore what God has ordained. Paul continues with his thought. Not only are women not permitted to teach or have authority over men, but thy are “to be in silence.” This is fully in line with his words of 1 Corinthians 14:34, 35. No exceptions are given, and this is to be the practice of all churches who operate in accord with the word of God.

What this means is that women are not to be ordained to fill any pastoral position, nor any position as a deacon. They are to remain quiet within the church as is fitting with the word of God. In today’s world, one must think this through when evaluating well known female pastors and teachers. Several who are immediately recognizable are Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and Paula White. At times, these women will openly preach to congregations, including men in attendance, numbering in the thousands. And each word they speak is in direct disobedience to the word of God.

The question must be, “If their ministries are effective in teaching men about the word of God, then isn’t it acceptable that they continue?” The answer is clear. “No.” The end never justifies the means. God cannot violate His own word when judging such disobedience. In other words, when such a woman stands before the Lord, He will not (and He cannot) say, “What you did was in disobedience to My word, but I will overlook your disobedience because it led to a good end.” This is contrary to the nature of God to even consider. There can be no reward for their disobedience, only loss.

When a challenge to a portion of the word of God arises, one must be firm on their stand that such challenges are not based on personal feelings, but on what God has ordained. For example, when a man or a woman challenges or twists the meaning and intent of this verse, we have the full right to say, “I did not write these words, but I will stand upon them, because they are God’s words.” To challenge or dismiss them is to challenge the apostolic authority of Paul. In so doing, no portion of his writings can then be considered authoritative. All Gentile-led church doctrine becomes up to the church body.

The violation of Paul’s words here, since the first ordination of a woman in a mainstream denomination in 1853, have led to a complete degradation of adherence to the word of God in those churches where such action has taken place. From this springboard of disobedience, the natural next steps are allowing perversion to run amok, ordination of homosexuals, and a total apostasy of the church. And it all starts with ignoring 1 Timothy 1:11, 12. The issue here is that serious, and it is that destructive.

Life application: We are never to base our theology on emotion. Nor are we to base church decisions on our own personal standards or mores. Guidance for church conduct, including ordination to various offices within the church, is to be based solely on the word of God. To depart from the word in one matter will naturally and eventually lead to a total disregard of all of God’s word. Let us never depart from sound theology, even if it conflicts with culture or personal preference.

Lord, Your word is written, and it is to be adhered to. How very sad that the church has turned away from your guidelines for ordination found in the letters of Timothy and Titus. First, women were ordained in violation of Your word and, since that time, churches have quickly turned from sound morality. Now, perversion fills the pulpit. One thing has led to another, and Your word is shunned and ignored in order to promote cultural and political correctness. What a sad day we live in where we justify open sin in disobedience to Your word. Turn our hearts back to Your word, and give us church leaders who are ordained in accord with it alone. Amen.

1 Timothy 2:11

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 1 Timothy 2:11

Paul continues with words directed to the conduct of women at church gatherings. His words are prescriptive, and they apply to all churches at all times during the Gentile-led church age. In other words, they are church doctrine. Not adhering to them is then disobedience to the word of God. He says, “Let a woman learn in silence.” This is not the only time he has said this. Similar words were written to the church at Corinth –

And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.” 1 Corinthians 14:35

Paul’s words are consistent, and they are intended as a means of ensuring proper order within the church. For this reason, women are asked to “learn in silence with all submission.” The word “submission” here means to not exert authority, but to be in subjection to the rule which is established. Paul will continue with this line of thought in the verses to come.

It needs to be repeated that his words are not “cultural,” they are not addressing a single church with a specific problem, and they are not time-limited. Instead, they are doctrine for all churches at all times during the church age. As churches sway from the words of this epistle, they quickly break down into ineffective churches. One line which is ignored from God’s word sets the standard that it is OK to ignore others as well. Soon, the word of God is no longer treated with the respect and high position it deserves in the church, and in the hearts of men.

Life application: God is the Author of Scripture through the hands of His chosen instruments. Are we to ignore Him and His authority because we don’t like what He mandates? What a sad thing to stand before the Lord and hold up hands blackened with disobedience.

Most gracious and glorious heavenly Father, give us hearts to be obedient to Your word, even when we come across verses which sting our sensibilities. Should we ignore what You have ordained, then how can we expect to face You without receiving the consequences of our disobedience. Help us to never justify wrongdoing in violation of the holy precepts You have laid down for us. Amen.

1 Timothy 2:10

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

…but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 1 Timothy 2:10

The idea of this verse is combined with the word “adorn” of the previous verse. It is that women are to “adorn themselves … [in] godliness, with good works” instead of in “braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing.” Paul is making a point that what is right and proper for a woman in church is a spiritual adornment of godliness, mixed with a physical adornment of doing that which is right and honorable. He was probably thinking of someone like Tabitha (Dorcas) of Acts 9. Peter was called to heal this woman and the same general idea of her character was seen there –

At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did.” Acts 9:36

This Tabitha was a Jewish woman who followed the noble traits of the faithful women of her culture, exemplified by the faithful wife of Proverbs 31. She was a person of deed and exemplary action. Paul is thinking of such women of God and directing the Gentile women of the church, who were coming into the church of God, to act in this manner. His directions are to Timothy, and it was Timothy’s responsibility (and thus that of all later pastors) to nurture this in the women of God.

In Paul’s words the “professing godliness” signifies her state as a believer in Christ. “Jesus is my Savior, and I will honor Him with my life.” This profession is then displayed in the “good works” of such a person. Albert Barnes captures the sense of how this is highlighted in the woman of God who accepts and exemplifies this station –

The nature of woman seems to be adapted to the performance of all deeds demanding kindness, tenderness, and gentleness of feeling; of all that proceeds from pity, sympathy, and affection; and we feel instinctively that while acts of hardy enterprise and daring in a good cause especially become a Christian man, there is something exquisitely appropriate to the female character in deeds of humble and unobtrusive sympathy and benevolence. God seems to have formed her mind for just such things, and in such things it occupies its appropriate sphere rather than in seeking external adorning.”

Life application: It is a sad thing that women of the church, especially since the mid to late 1800s, have pursued roles not intended for women. When Paul says in Galatians 3:28 that all are one in Christ, he is speaking of the spiritual state of believers. However, males and females are given different roles to carry out God’s purposes within the church. To ignore Paul’s words in the pastoral epistles is to obscure what God has ordained. It has led to great dysfunction within the church, and that has led to total apostasy in many large denominations. Let us look to the structure of the church as it is outlined in the pastoral epistles, accept what God has ordained, and not fight against what is right and proper in His eyes.

Lord God, You have ordained the roles of men and women in the church, and those roles are set out in the pastoral epistles for us to read, consider, and put into practice. When we ignore what is given there, only a degradation of the proper functioning of the church can result. Let us accept Your word, hold fast to its precepts, and be responsible members of the church which You have established. To Your glory we pray. Amen.