2 Corinthians 7:6


Monday, 14 September 2015

Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, 2 Corinthians 7:6

There is an emphasis which is unfortunately lacking in many English translations in this verse. God is put in an emphatic position at the end of the verse in the Greek – “The Comforter of the humble comforted us, even God” (Pulpit Commentary). Paul is taking what occurred in his own experience and he is assigning it, as it were, to being an attribute of God. It would be like someone finding a large nugget of gold on the side of the road and exclaiming, “The Giver of grace has lavished His grace upon us, even God!”

Paul’s acknowledgment of God’s comfort upon the downcast is uttered because of “the coming of Titus.” In 2 Corinthians 2, Paul had noted that his spirit lacked any rest because of not finding Titus –

“I had no rest in my spirit, because I did not find Titus my brother; but taking my leave of them, I departed for Macedonia.” 2 Corinthians 2:13

Now, five chapters later, he reintroduces the narrative to explain to the Corinthians the immense comfort he found at the arrival of Titus. The reason for it will be explained in the verses ahead, but it centers on the message he brought concerning those in Corinth. Paul has skillfully and masterfully organized this letter in a way which would bring a slowly-emerging display of his personal feelings for the Corinthians, and his desire for them to be in a like-minded harmony, as a father to a son.

Life application: When you are downcast, where is it that you will turn? If the Bible reveals the heart of God for His children, then turn there. For times of true disheartenment, try the 42nd Psalm.

Heavenly Father, at those times when I am downtrodden and in dire straights of my soul, where am I to turn? I know already! You have provided us with Your word as a message of love to Your children. Why should I look for solace in a bottle? Why should I look for it in an illicit relationship? No! The place I can always turn to for renewed joy is to your superior word. Opening its pages and looking into Your heart, I find true comfort for my weary soul. Thank You for the Bible which sustains me until we meet on that glorious Day! Amen.


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