2 Timothy 1:3

Thursday, 1 March 2018

I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, 2 Timothy 1:3

After his salutation, Paul begins his main thoughts with, “I thank God.” The words are most probably connected to “the genuine faith” mentioned in verse 5. Thus, it would make everything between these parenthetical. In other words, “I thank God … when I call to remembrance the genuine faith.” Paul rejoices over the faith of his young protege, and where it has led him in his life.

From his thanks to God, he then explains his relationship to Him by saying, “whom I serve.” Paul is an apostle of Jesus Christ at this time in his life, but throughout his life he had dedicated his time and energy to a pursuit of God. The fact that he missed Jesus in the process for a time doesn’t mean he wasn’t serving God, but that he was simply doing it incorrectly. His service was and is, “with a pure conscience.” Rather, the Greek here reads, “in a pure conscience.”

It isn’t that he merely had a pure conscience and he served God with it, but that he had a pure conscience, and it was in that sphere of spiritual recognition that he served God. One could say, “I served my nation with the USAF.” This would mean that he served his nation, and it is by the USAF that he did so. Or he could say, I served my nation in the USAF. The USAF became the sphere of his life. Everything that comprised who he was as a person serving his nation was dedicated to the sphere in which he had united. In Paul’s case, he served “in a pure conscience.” From there, he explains that this was “as my forefathers did.”

Two possibilities exist of what he means here. The first is speaking of his forefathers in the faith, such as Abraham, Jacob, David, etc. The second is his line of ancestry through his parents. He was raised a Pharisee, and schooled from a young age in this capacity. His parents would have sent him to school for this, and they would have been schooled before him, holding fast to the traditions of this sect. It is hard to be dogmatic on which option he is referring to, but in Galatians 1, we seem to have a clue –

“For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. 14 And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.” Galatians 1:13, 14

The hope of his fathers, either of the faith, or of his ancestry, was in the coming of Messiah. He had missed that coming, and a special call by the Lord Himself was needed to correct this, but it was his hope nonetheless. During his time before coming to the Lord, his life was directed in a pure conscience. That continued on, but with a new direction in which to live it out.

To finish this verse, he then says that his thanks to God were heartfelt and ongoing. This is seen in the words, “as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day.” Timothy must have come to his mind a great deal. As he received reports of him, he would stop and pray for him. As he remembered their travels, he would stop and pray for him. As he worked or walked, he would mentally connect with the Lord and pray for him. The two thoughts – “as without ceasing” and “night and day” – are intended to be taken in this way. Whenever Timothy came to mind, and in whatever Paul was doing, he would also be in prayer to God for him.

Life application: Our minds are always being filled with something. Even when it seems we are not really thinking of anything, something is going on up there. If we train ourselves to be thankful, then thanks will become a part of who we are. If we train ourselves to remember others as we live out our lives, then those type of prayers will become as common as inhaling. Let us mentally redirect our daily thoughts to that which is honoring of God, and productive as Christians.

Lord God, redirect our minds to the contemplation of that which is good and productive. Help us to be thankful always, and to express that thanks to You in everything we do. And help us to think on others that we interact with, and to then remember them in prayers always. This can become as natural as the very breath we take. And so mold us to live in this way. May our lives and thoughts be an honor to You at all times. Amen.

2 Timothy 1:2

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

To Timothy, a beloved son:

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 Timothy 1:2

After having identified himself and his commission, Paul now identifies the main recipient of the letter, Timothy. As noted, based on the apostolic identification of himself, something Timothy was perfectly aware of, the letter was certainly intended to be for more than just Timothy. He was to have it available for any and all to see and read. It is an epistle of church doctrine as much as it is a personal letter.

However, it is still a personal letter, written “To Timothy, a beloved son.” These words are similar to his opening words to Timothy in his first epistle to him. The only change is that “a beloved son” here was “a true son in the faith” there. The word translated here as “beloved” is the Greek work agapétos. It signifies “divinely loved.” Paul truly love Timothy as a “son,” and the bonds were as strong as if Timothy was Paul’s own legitimate offspring. As he personally took Timothy under his wings, and as Timothy stayed with him while so many others departed, the bond was all the stronger.

In Acts 16:3, Paul even circumcised Timothy in order to ensure that the Jews would be more responsive to the message of Christ. It was not a means of making Timothy acceptable for salvation, but a means of ensuring that Timothy would be properly accepted by those Jews who needed to hear the gospel message of Christ. In circumcising him, it would eliminate pre-judgments about Timothy’s status. In other words, it was a helpful tool for evangelism.

Next, after having identified himself and his recipient, he adds in his greeting which is a close match to 1 Timothy, “Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.” Unlike his other epistles, in his three pastoral epistles, he adds in the word “mercy.” As the letter is written to Timothy, the words apply to him, not to Paul.

Paul petitions for “mercy” in his pastorals because he knew it is a job which requires a great deal of mercy from God. It is a delicate, complicated, often frustrating, always tiring, and very sensitive job. Where those under a pastor often feel it necessary to heap trouble on him, mercy is all-the-more necessary from the other direction. Without this endowment from God, the job will quickly lay low the pastor of strongest faith and resolve. Therefore, Paul petitions for these things – grace, mercy, and peace to be bestowed upon his beloved son in the faith. And the petition is “from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Paul speaks of God as “the Father.” This then is in line with the petition for grace, mercy, and peace. As a father would grant such things to his own son, so Paul knows that God will grant such things to His sons in the faith, a faith which is grounded in Christ Jesus. And as God is the Father of Jesus, the petition for grace, mercy, and peace will naturally flow from Jesus to His other true children as well. Paul’s salutation is a full example of a complete understanding of the workings of God towards His ministers who are also His sons by adoption.

Life application: The job of a pastor is a tough one, but Paul knew Timothy could handle it. And yet, he still asked for grace, mercy, and peace to be bestowed upon him. The stress of such a job requires these things. And though he is petitioning them from God, it is certain the pastor needs these things from the congregants as well. The more difficulty they lay on the pastor, the more stress he is going to be under. Therefore, as a member of a congregation, remember that your pastor’s life is full enough. Give him a bit of grace, mercy, and peace as well.

Heavenly Father, give us wisdom in how we deal with the pastors, teachers, and deacons in our churches. They have a stressful job when dealing with people, and a limited amount of time to do so. Help each of us to make their lives easier by recognizing their limitations, especially that of time, and then help us to be willing to not take up more of it than is necessary. Help our desire to speak many words be tempered with their need to hear a few less. Amen.

2 Timothy 1:1

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 1:1

Welcome to the book of 2 Timothy! It is the second of the three “pastoral epistles,” and it is comprised of 83 verses. Thus, it is exactly 30 verses shorter than 1 Timothy, and it will take us (one day at a time, just as we get up each day to go about our business) a smidgen under three months to analyze it. It is hoped that you will be blessed as each verse brings marvelous insights into this beautiful epistle from the mind of God and through the hand of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles.

Paul begins the epistle by identifying himself – He is Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, Timothy’s mentor, and the one with whom Timothy had traveled and fellowshipped in a close and personal manner.

He next identifies his apostleship with the words, “an apostle of Jesus Christ.” He is a messenger of the Lord, having been called by Him personally to perform this weighty duty which has been so amazingly fruitful for the past two thousand years. This is his one claim to the authority of writing a letter of doctrine, and it is with this authority that he thus writes.

After this, he notes that his apostleship is “by the will of God.” This is the same phrase as is seen in 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, and Colossians. It is what further defines his calling and which affirms his authority. It also is a note of humility in that he was selected, and therefore it was not of his own merits. Instead it was by the sovereign decision of God that he is so designated an apostle. His selection was nothing he had sought after, and it was entirely unmerited. Having said that, Paul notes elsewhere that it is a calling that he could have ignored, thus demonstrating free will is included in the matter. That is found in Acts 26:19, where he says that he “was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” The implication is that he could have been disobedient to it.

He then states, “according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus.” The words “according to” are not speaking of what has transpired in him, but in that which he is called to proclaim. In other words, it is the subject matter which he dealt with as an apostle. The NET Bible gives us the correct sense of what is being said (as underlined) –

“From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to further the promise of life in Christ Jesus.” NET Bible

Next, there is an article connected to “life.” Thus it more accurately reads, “the life.” There is life in mortal humans; there is life in an electric wire; and etc. Paul is being specific that what his apostleship is called to is a proclamation of “the life” which is found in Christ Jesus. It isn’t the animation of a physical body which will die someday. It is the regeneration of the spirit of man, reconnecting him to God, and granting true and eternal life to those who are united to Christ Jesus. As Paul says, this life is “in Christ Jesus.” He is the Possessor of it. Those who come to Him, and who are “in” Him, are granted that same life. It is a promise which came just after the fall of man, in Genesis 3:15. And, it is the promise which is referred to throughout the entire Old Testament, anticipating the coming of Messiah. In Him is the restoration of all things, and in Him is the life of which Paul is called to be a herald to the Gentiles.

Life application: 83 verses comprise 1 Timothy. Is it too much that you would spend a few minutes each day, for less than three months, studying this precious epistle now that you have started? The reading and studying of Scripture is the most important thing that You will do during your day. In knowing God’s word, you can then apply it to your life. In this, you will be found pleasing to Him in all you do. Please make the effort, follow along in the study, and know that you will be further along in your theology when you are finished with this precious book, 2 Timothy.

Lord God, You have given us Your word for study. Grant us wisdom to pick the thing up and study it. The amount of dust which gathers on Your word, and the newness of the pages inside of it as well, stand as a testimony to how important we feel a right relationship with You is. Help us to commit to a right study of Your word. Today Charlie is beginning a line by line study of 2 Timothy. Can I spare the five minutes it takes each day to join in? Help me stand approved, by learning and applying Your word to my life. Amen.