Romans 8:19


130719_horsey_rideFriday, 19 July 2013

…because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:21

As noted in the preceding verse, not just man, but all of creation came under the curse that was executed upon man. The price and weight of sin is such that it affects not just the sinner but it corrupts everything. The trials, troubles, and distresses of nature are a result of our disobedience. This is the great lesson for man since the fall. But what is fallen will be restored.

There is coming a time of worldly renewal which was seen by the ancient prophets. This is known as the Kingdom Age where Christ will reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years. However, there will still be death during this period and only after that reign will come the final correction of what was lost so long ago.

The promise of restoration is a hope that we can cling to as absolutely certain. What has to be considered through the Bible’s words is that it was the devil who deceived man and it was because of this deception that the fall occurred. Without a restoration, the victory isn’t truly complete. This is the reason for the dispensations which have been introduced into the stream of humanity. Each has led us through the unfolding of God’s plan of this restoration.

In the end, this is a battle in the spiritual realm which is being realized in the temporal realm. John tells us succinctly the main reason for Christ’s coming –

“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8

The devil has wrought his destruction and so Christ has come to destroy what he has wrought. When the destruction is destroyed, then what is left will be as was intended. The final chapters of the book of Revelation detail the glory which lies ahead when “the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption.” As Godet says, nature “possesses in the feeling of her unmerited suffering, a sort of presentiment of her future deliverance.”

This deliverance from corruption’s bondage will be “into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” What is translated as “glorious liberty” is the phrase eleutherian tēs doxēs, “liberty of the glory.” All of creation will be delivered from the pains of corruption. Sin shall be expiated from man and the fallen creation will be glorified into the same liberty that is bestowed upon the children of God.

The End of the Garden of God
Charlie Garrett

Your sentence is pronounced
In pain you shall give birth
Your husband will rule over you
And he shall till the unforgiving earth

Your pains in childbirth will be increased
Indeed your labor will be most severe
But when from your womb the child is released
Again the joy in your heart will appear

And Adam, because you listened to your wife
And from the forbidden fruit you did eat
I shall give you a burdensome life
I’ve cursed the ground beneath your feet

For your crops you will till and the soil will resist
From it thorns and thistles will readily grow
But the things on which you need to subsist
Will take careful work with a plow and hoe

Someday you’ll return to that ground
As a seed planted in the soil
And if by faith you live your life
There shall be a reward for your time of toil

Now I will clothe you with garments of skin
And send you out of this garden of delight
Cherubs will faithfully guard the way back in
Until My Son makes all things right

And when He does you can come back in
Not because of anything you have done
But His blood alone will cover your sin
Such is the wondrous work of my Son

Hallelujah and Amen!

Life application: What the devil has fouled up through deception, Christ will fully reverse through truth and righteousness. In this world of woe there is a better hope. Fix your eyes on Jesus and the glory which lies ahead.

Lord, as I see things wear out and fall apart; as I experience physical pains; as I see the death of people and creatures around me, I know that this isn’t the way life was intended. At times, I wonder why You allow the trails to continue, but then I remember that You have a plan and that the glory to come will mean so much more because of the present difficulties. And so thank You, even for the trials. Amen.

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