Matthew 6:34

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here to listen)

You can also read this commentary, scrolling with music, courtesy of our friends at “Discern the Bible” on YouTube. (Click Here to listen), or at Rumble (Click Here to listen).

To read the Matthew 6 translation on YT (Click Here) or on Rumble (Click Here). You can also read it at the end of today’s writing below.

“Therefore, not you shall be disquieted into the tomorrow, for tomorrow – it will be disquieted itself, its evil – sufficient to the day” (CG).

In the previous verse, Jesus instructed His disciples to seek the kingdom of God first. In doing this, all the other things will then be added. Having told them that, He now finishes Chapter 6, saying, “Therefore, not you shall be disquieted into the tomorrow.”

The meaning of “into the tomorrow” is as most translations render it, “about tomorrow.” The Lord instructs the disciples to not let what is ahead in time, and completely out of one’s grasp, get the best of them.

It is contradictory to calmness to reach into the next day and start agonizing over what may transpire. The only thing that will do is to rile up any chance of mental calm on a day that has nothing to do with the next, except that it happens to be the one before the next occurs. Understanding this, He next says, “for tomorrow – it will be disquieted itself.”

Like any other day that comes to pass, there are to be expected complications, difficulties, sadness, moments of confusion and loss, etc. For those who invest, there may be a morning of 25% profit in the portfolio, but by midday, there may be a 90% loss. Driving to or from work may find a nail in the tire, maybe even one in both directions.

The list is absolutely endless as to what might go wrong on any given day. This is why Jesus finishes with, “its evil – sufficient to the day.”

The word kakia is found only here in the gospels. It is in Acts and the epistles though. It is a strong word signifying evil which includes wickedness, depravity, malignity, etc. It is badness in general. HELPS Word Studies defines it as “the underlying principle of evil (inherent evil) which is present, even if not outwardly expressed.”

It is this that Jesus notes is arketos, sufficient, to the day. It is also a new word indicating being enough. Each day can be expected to have enough evil to fill it that inserting the problems of a day ahead will only lead to a day overflowing with disquietness and anxiety.

And yet, how often do we do our best to insert that which is unknown into the problems we are already facing? Jesus instructs His disciples not to do this. As these words form a general precept, apart from the law itself, they contain truth that we can apply to our own lives in this dispensation. And more, we have the continued words of the Lord through Paul to guide our daily walk –

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6 7

Life application: Jesus divides the acceptable period of taking on life’s challenges into days. This is for obvious reasons. Our lives are divided up into these most basic units based on how God has structured the rotation of the sun. Paul’s words, on the other hand, bring things down to a case-by-case situation.

There is no contradiction in this. Nor would we be wrong to say the same thing about something that will occur later in the afternoon or even something coming in an hour. We have no control over what lies ahead. Planning is something we need to do, but it is something that must consider that things may not work out.

The best thing to do is to allow the future to unfold as it will without the added stress of worrying about how it will do so. We make plans, but the events that follow must be left to the overarching providence of God.

Tractors tires get stuck, shipments of supplies are delayed, rains come, and the house sits idle waiting to be completed. We could not have prevented any of those things. So why be distressed over what may or may not happen? Live with the future planned to whatever degree is necessary, but do so knowing that the Lord may have other plans.

No matter what, He is in control. Our future in His presence is assured because of Jesus. We just have to get through this unknown earthly walk as best as we can in the process, trusting Him with each step as we go.

Lord God, help us to confidently walk in this world, knowing that no matter what happens, we are Yours. Whatever trials we may face, they will be behind us someday. Even death itself cannot keep us from standing before You spotless and pure. Because of Jesus, we have full assurance of reconciliation and peace. Amen.


Matthew 6

6 You beware of your compassionateness, not to do before men to be seen by them. And if otherwise, no reward you have from your Father, the ‘in the heavens.’ 2 Therefore, when you do compassionateness, you trumpet not before you just as the hypocrites – they do – in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Amen! I say to you, they obtain their reward. 3 And you doing compassionateness, not it know your left what it does your right, 4 that your compassionateness – it may be in secret. And your Father, the ‘seeing in the secret,’ He will reward you in the revealed. 5 And when you may pray, not you will be just as the hypocrites, for they love to pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the plazas – having stood – that they may be seen of men. Amen! I say to you, they obtain their reward. 6 And you, when you may pray, you enter into your chamber, and having closed your door, you pray to your Father, the ‘in the secret.’ And your Father, the ‘seeing in the secret,’ He will reward you in the revealed. 7 And praying, not you shall stammerer-speak just as the ethnicities. For they think that in their verbosity they will be heard. 8 Therefore not you resemble them, for your Father, He has known, what you have need before you ask of Him. 9 Therefore, thus you – you pray:

“Our Father, the ‘in the heavens,’ it be hallowed – Your name.” 10 Your kingdom – it come. Your will – it be done as in heaven, even upon the earth. 11 Our necessary bread, You give us today. 12 And You forgive us our debts as also we, we forgive our debtors. 13 And not may You lead us into temptation, but rescue us from the evil. For Yours, it is, the kingdom, and the power, and the glory to the ages. Amen. 14 For if you may forgive men their transgressions, also your Father, the Heavenly, He will forgive you. 15 And if not you may forgive men their transgressions, neither – your Father – He will forgive your transgressions. 16 And when you may fast, you be not just as the hypocrites, sullen-faces. For they mask their appearance that they may appear fasting to men. Amen! I say to you they obtain their reward. 17 And you, fasting, you anoint your head, and your face – you wash, 18 that not you may appear to men fasting, but to your Father, the ‘in the secret,’ and your Father, the ‘seeing in the secret,’ He will reward you in the manifest.

19 You amass, not – yourselves – treasures upon the earth, where moth and an eating – it evaporates, and where stealers – they tunnel, and they steal. 20 And you, amass – yourselves – treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor an eating – it evaporates, and where stealers – they tunnel not, nor they steal. 21 For where your treasure, it is, there also your heart, it will be. 22 The lamp of the body, it is the eye. Therefore, if your eye, it may be unblurred, your whole body – it will be lustrous. 23 And if your eye, it may be evil, all your body – it will be benighted. Therefore, if the light, in you it is darkness, the darkness – how much! 24 None, he is able, to serve two lords. Or – for he will detest the one and he will love the other. Or – he will enclasp one, and the other he will disesteem. Not you are able to serve God and mammon. 25 Through this, I say to you, not you disquiet your soul – what you may eat and what you may drink, nor your body – what you may don. Not more, it is, the soul, the food and the body, the apparel? 26 You gaze at the birds of the heaven, that not they sow nor they reap, nor they collect into barns. And your Father, the heavenly, He nourishes them. Not more, you – you excel – them? 27 And who from you, disquieting, he can add upon his maturity one forearm? 28 And about apparel, why are you disquieted? Fathom the lilies of the field, how it grows. Not it labors, nor it spins. 29 And I say to you that neither Solomon in all his glory, he was arrayed like one of these. 30 And if the herbage of the field, today being and tomorrow throwing into the furnace, God thus enrobes, not much more you – little-faithed? 31 “Therefore, not you shall be disquieted, saying, ‘What we shall eat?’ or ‘What we shall drink?’ or ‘What we shall don?’” 31 For all these the Gentiles, it seeks upon. For your Father, the heavenly, He has known that you need all these. 32 For all these the Gentiles, it seeks upon. For your Father, the heavenly, He has known that you need all these. 33 And you, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and these all – it will be added to you. 34 Therefore, not you shall be disquieted into the tomorrow, for tomorrow – it will be disquieted itself, its evil – sufficient to the day.