Roman 5:9


Monday, 29 April 2013

Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Romans 5:9

“Much more….” This phrase will be given by Paul five times throughout chapter five. It will demonstrate that what was lost is insignificant to what is gained through Christ for those who are redeemed. What Adam had cannot compare to what we have; what Adam lost is regained and added to because of Jesus.

The “much more” of verse nine directly explains the previous statement of verse eight – “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” When this happened, we were “justified by His blood.” We were declared not guilty because of His substitutionary death. In essence, a pardon is offered and by faith the pardon is granted. Because of this wonderful act which occurred while we were still sinners, how much more then shall we “be saved from wrath through Him.”

If God reconciled us to Himself while we were sinners, then what happens after that time must be based on a sinless relationship. In other words, justification isn’t something that happens and then can be lost. It is something that happens once forever. It is simply impossible to consider the writings of Arminius and Wesley who taught that one can “lose” their salvation. What kind of “much more” is that? It demonstrates a flawed theology and a lack of understanding the efficacy of the work of Christ.

As Albert Barnes notes: He “bestows a value on us proportionate to the worth of the price of our redemption; and is a pledge that he will keep what has been so dearly bought.” The price of our redemption is the life of Christ – the God/Man. No higher price could be paid and therefore no higher value could ever be placed upon our redemption. The work of Christ doesn’t just potentially justify us. Rather His work actually justifies us.

Because we are pardoned we are also justified, and so we shall be spared from His wrath. There can be no punishment for crimes which have been pardoned; the payment has been made. The only thing our deeds after salvation will bring is rewards and loss of rewards, not a retrial for condemnation or salvation.

Life application: In Christ, we can truly say – “No fear here!”

When we were still sinners, You sent the Messiah to take the punishment we deserve. Justice has been served and You made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become Your righteousness in Him. How could You love Your rebellious creatures so much? I will spend my days searching out the mysteries of Christ and the glory of His work. Amen.

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