Acts 23:33

Anna Jarvis Bust. West Virginia Capitol.

Saturday, 20 January 2024

When they came to Caesarea and had delivered the letter to the governor, they also presented Paul to him.  Acts 23:33

Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here to listen)

You can also read this commentary, with music, courtesy of our friends at “Discern the Bible” on YouTube. (Click Here to listen), or at Rumble (Click Here to listen).

More literally, the words read, “Who, having entered into Caesarea, and having delivered the letter to the governor, also presented Paul to him” (CG).

In the previous verse, it noted that the soldiers returned to Jerusalem, but the horsemen stayed with Paul in order to conduct him the rest of the way to Caesarea. Now, referring to these horsemen, it says, “Who, having entered into Caesarea.”

It would have been an impressive sight for the people of the city to see seventy horsemen arrayed in Roman colors marching a single man into the city, carefully guarding him as they went. Like the procession of a presidential limousine today, the people would have stopped to gawk. Upon arriving at their destination, it next says, “and having delivered the letter to the governor.”

Interestingly, Paul’s name is mentioned a total of sixteen times in this chapter, but in the letter from Claudius Lysias, it is never declared. As such, it was up to the testimony of those who conducted him to say, “This is the man.” Therefore, it next says that they “also presented Paul to him.”

As there was a whole contingent of horsemen, they could testify that the right man had been safely delivered into the care of the authorities.

Life application: The word is a wonderful gift to us from the mind of God. As you read it, be sure to think about why things are included in it. Stopping to do short word studies, counting the number of times things are mentioned, or doing short topical studies will open up new avenues of thought that may never have been contemplated before.

Also, let your mind wander into what things might have been like. Considering such things as the majestic, stately, or terrifying march of horses into a city, a battle, or across a desert area will make the word come alive in your mind. Let the word come alive to you in wonderful ways.

Your time in the word will only be as interesting as you make it. So be sure to make it interesting!

Lord God, thank You for Your wonderful word. And, above all, thank You for Jesus, who is revealed to us in this precious word! Amen.