Exodus 4:1-9
Three Signs to His People
Introduction: In our society, we need to not be foolish about taking people at face value, especially with matters of great importance. Although it’s nice to want believe people are honest, we eventually learn that it often isn’t the case, even with “friends.”
If we’re in the military, how can we be sure an order is valid? Well, there are ways of ensuring it is. Many of them are written in prescribed manuals or are policies within the chain of command. Precautions are taken to make sure that traitors or impersonators don’t step in and do harm to the unit.
And likewise there are penalties for not making sure of the authority of an order before following through with it. For example, the My Lai incident in Vietnam showed us that.
If we get a call on the phone about an overdue bill or unpaid taxes, before committing our credit card number to the person, we should check with the source of who is allegedly making the claim. The IRS doesn’t make telephone calls about unpaid taxes. Instead they show up at your door with the proper credentials or contact you through the mail on official letterhead.
If someone came to your door and said he was with the IRS and that you owed them money, you’d be smart to ask for those credentials before continuing the conversation. If this is so for matters such as this, then how much more should we look for proofs in the most important matter of all, that of issues dealing with God.
And yet, the majority of people simply trust without any substantiation at all for their faith. If someone came to me today and said he talked to a burning bush and a voice from the bush told him he was the self-existent God and that he wanted me to follow this guy, I’d tell him he needed a bit more proof.
Joseph Smith who founded the Mormons claims that the Book of Mormon was translated from golden plates that he obtained from the angel Moroni. Eventually he says he gave them back to him. Is this something we should believe at face value? If so then the words of the Book of Mormon would be the testimony left behind.
But if that testimony contained faults, then it couldn’t be what Smith claimed. Anyone who is simply willing to check the witness of the supposed sign of the golden plates will quickly realize that the Book of Mormon isn’t just a false book containing errors, but that it is specifically argued against by the Apostle Paul.
And yet people blindly follow along with Mormonism and thus they condemn themselves to an eternity far different than the one offered by Christ. The same is true with many cults and a variety of other false religions, and even denominations in Christianity which have now departed from the faith.
Text Verse: “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:6-9
Moses was given three signs to show to the people of Israel in order to confirm to them that his words were true. Those signs are recorded in the Bible and it now witnesses to us of what those signs intended. We can accept that it is true or we can reject it as a fairy tale.
If those signs are true, then they will be in accord with all of the rest of the word of God, they will contain the power of God, and they will point us to Jesus Christ. Is this the case? Do they do these things? If so, then we can believe them just as if we saw them with our own eyes.
This is the power of the word of God and the gospel message for all who believe. It is the power of God unto salvation. And it is power which is found in His superior word. And so let’s turn to that precious word once again and… May God speak to us through His word today and may His glorious name ever be praised.
I. The Rod of God (verses 1-5)
Then Moses answered and said,
Twice in chapter 3 Moses questioned God concerning His selection of him to accomplish the task set before him. First, in self doubt, he asked in verse 11 –
“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?'”
Then after assuring him that He would be with him and confirm His spoken word to him, Moses next asked for a name that he could give to the people to prove he was selected for this purpose. We saw that in verse 13 –
“Then Moses said to God, ‘Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?'”
After that, the Lord spent 9 verses explaining His name and what would transpire as the task was accomplished. All of the detail necessary was given to provide a broad panorama of the coming exodus of the people from Israel. However, after this detail, Moses’ first response is one which lacks faith in what was presented.
1 (con’t) “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”
Rather than a question, Moses’ words are a statement of fact. Instead of “But suppose they will not believe me” is certainly “Behold, they will not believe me.” The words were not a question but are an emphatic and preemptory statement.
In this then is a contradiction by Moses of the assurance he was given in chapter 3 where the Lord said they would heed his voice. There are several reasons why Moses would feel this way. The first is that he had already been shunned by the people once 40 years earlier. Despite the years, the rejection would have still stung.
A second reason is that the last time the Bible records the Lord appearing to anyone directly was when Jacob was just about to depart Canaan for the last time. This was 215 years earlier. Why would the Israelites assume that the Lord appeared to Moses who didn’t even live among them?
And third, if the Lord appeared to him and told him that he would lead Israel out in a miraculous manner and by great wonders, then wouldn’t he have proof that such great wonders were possible? Who would want to believe a person’s claims when facing certain punishment from the people whom they served?
Despite the Lord’s previous assurance, his lack of faith isn’t unnatural. The same word of the Lord which came from the bush is recorded in the pages of the Bible. Many of His words apply directly to us – 100% sure and reliable. And yet we lack the same faith almost daily as things pop up and block the path we’re on.
Moses was now expected to convince the people that his words were true. They had already rejected him once and now he was claiming both their leadership and requesting their implicit trust. If we lose heart and faith over small matters of our daily spiritual life, how much more Moses over the great challenge ahead!
He felt sure that if there was only a name, and a promise from that name, that they would not believe him even though the name was proclaimed from a bush which was burning right in front of his eyes. He saw it, they didn’t. He was sure it wasn’t sufficient to present to them this story. And apparently the Lord agreed…
2 So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
This doesn’t mean the Lord didn’t somehow know what he was holding; it was obvious. Instead, it is a response to, and a preparation for, answering Moses’ lack of faith in the outcome of what he has been told to do. This is the same thing that is seen other times elsewhere in the Bible.
In Genesis 32, while wrestling with Jacob by the Jabbok river, Jacob said to the Lord, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” (vs. 26) Instead of simply blessing him, the Bible records –
“So He said to him, ‘What is your name?’
He said, ‘Jacob.'” Genesis 32:27
The Lord already knew his name. The question was actually the beginning of the response. And the same is true here. By asking Moses what is in his hand, he is really beginning his response.
2 (con’t) He said, “A rod.”
In reply, Moses answers with the Hebrew word matteh. It’s a word used just over 250 times in the Bible and means a type of rod, shaft, or staff. But it also means “tribe” such as in the “tribe of Levi.” In other words, the staff is emblematic of the tribe.
If Levi has a staff, it is his symbol of authority. The tribe which branches out from Levi would be represented by the staff of Levi. In essence, it is comparable to a coat of arms. This rod will reflect the power of the one to whom the staff belongs.
As Moses has now been selected as God’s representative for delivering the Israelites, his staff will be representative of the power of God. Because of this, the rod will actually be called “the rod of God” in verse 20 of this chapter.
3 And He said, “Cast it on the ground.”
Moses had been shepherding flocks until this point – a picture of the church age during the time of Israel’s rejection of Christ. After the rapture of the church which was pictured in the first verses of chapter 3, the Lord will take on a new role in redemptive history.
The attention is once again on Israel and the name of the selected leader, Moses – “He who draws out,” is given to show us that Jesus will be the one who draws out His people in the end times. His role will be more than a shepherd and so the symbolism is given here – “Cast it on the ground.”
In ending the period of shepherding his flock, the rod will take on a new connotation. This is true for both Moses and for Jesus.
3 (con’t) So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent;
The shepherd’s staff becomes a serpent. In Hebrew, the word is nakhash. It is a general word for a snake or serpent rather than a specific type. This is the seventh time the word is used in the Bible, but five of those times were in Genesis 3 when speaking of the serpent who deceived the woman.
This rod literally turns into a snake for Moses. There are probably three specific reasons for this particular sign to have been given. The first is that God knew that the Egyptians, through magic, could do the same thing with their rods, making it appear that they had turned into snakes.
In order to discredit their tricks as false, the rod of Aaron, which will carry the same ability as Moses’ rod, will swallow the snakes of the Egyptians. In their attempt to discredit Moses, Moses will turn and discredit them.
The second reason is because the cobra was the royal symbol of Pharaoh. It is what adorned his headdress and thus reflected his supposedly divine power. The conversion of the shepherd’s rod to a snake, was then a sign. As Albert Barnes notes, “at once a pledge and representation of victory over the king and gods of Egypt!”
The third reason is because of who this Pharaoh pictures and from whom his power is derived. He pictures the antichrist and his power comes from the serpent who deceived the woman and who has continued to deceive the world throughout the ages. The devil is shown to be ultimately under the authority of the Lord.
And so this is not only a pledge and a representation of victory over the king and gods of Egypt, but it pictures the greater pledge of Jesus’ victory over the devil and his antichrist.
3 (con’t) and Moses fled from it.
The verse says literally v’yanas mosheh mippanav, “and fled Moses from its face.” Being a shepherd, he would have known a poisonous snake from a harmless one. This was a poisonous snake, one harmful in the extreme. But equally as concerning to Moses is the fact that his rod had actually changed.
Rather than remembering that the Lord had told him to do this, his instinctive reactions took over. This then is an object lesson for Moses to learn to trust the Lord, regardless of what else occurred around him, no matter how remarkable.
The giving up of his shepherding duties for the trial ahead would continuously expose him to dangers. By learning now that these dangers couldn’t hurt him, he would know that there was no reason to flee before them.
This is also a good verse to show us that Moses is the true author of the account. Anyone else would have certainly skipped this portion of the verse entirely. It is a nice confirmation that Moses is the human author.
4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail”
This is set in contrast to what it just said. Moses fled from its face, and he is told to take it by the tail. Anyone who deals with snakes knows that the best place to grab them is behind the head. If you grab a snake by the tail, there is a good chance of it turning around and biting you.
This instruction is one of faith-building. It is, in short, a picture of the Bible. The Lord said to Moses; the Lord says to us. There are things in the Bible we are asked to do that often seem contrary to what would normally be expected and yet when we do them, we find that things turn out just fine.
Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5 to give thanks in everything. No matter what our situation or level of hardship, we are asked to be thankful for it. This certainly seems contrary to the norm, but it is an exercise in faith-building. This is what Moses is asked to do here – grab the snake by the tail and trust that it will be ok.
Interestingly, the word for “tail” is the word zanav. It is used 11 times in the Bible. In Isaiah 9:15, the prophet in Israel who teaches lies is said to be the tail, or zanav. As the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44), this makes a picture of Christ’s power over the devil.
4 (con’t) (and he reached out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand),
By faith in the Lord’s word, Moses reached out and caught the snake which once again became a rod in his hand. This rod of God, which is the symbol of the power of God, is a picture of Christ. He first was the power of God from eternity past.
However, he abased Himself and came as a Man, he was cast to the ground and then crucified, becoming a representation of the snake just as He said in John 3. There He made a reference to the bronze snake which Moses carried in the wilderness saying that just as that snake was lifted up, so He too would be lifted up. In that passage, it uses the same word for “snake” as it does here.
But through the power of the resurrection, He once again became the power of God for all eternity. First he fled from the temptations of the devil just as we are told to flee from the face of sin. Then He defeated the devil and returned to His position of power.
5 “that they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”
This is what is known as an imperfect, or unfinished, sentence. The sign was given and without saying it completely, Moses is told “that they may believe.” Our thoughts have to insert the finishing words which would be, “Do what I have just shown you before the elders of Israel… that they may believe.”
This sign is given then, not for Moses to believe, but for the elders to believe that the Yehovah appeared to Moses, that he had been appointed as their leader, and that he would deliver them out of the bondage of Egypt. And finally, that Yehovah is, in fact, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
How can we be sure that Your word is true?
What sign will You give us so that we can know?
Why should we believe in and trust You?
We look for a sign, a miracle, or a heavenly show
I have given You a sign, the devil I defeated
All who come to Me are freed from the power of sin
There on the cross all men I entreated
Heaven’s gates I opened wide for any to come in
The work that I have done is recorded for you
So that you can believe that I am the holy One
I am the Lord, always faithful and true
For so long you missed that I am God’s only begotten Son
II. The Leprous Hand (verses 6-8)
6 Furthermore the Lord said to him, “Now put your hand in your bosom.”
Although most people will instinctively get what is being commanded here, the NIV does a good job of putting in words that anyone can grasp. Though not a literal translation, it conveys the idea that’s presented. They say – “Then the LORD said, “Put your hand inside your cloak.”
In essence, he is to take his hand and hide it under his garment next to his breast.
6 (con’t) And he put his hand in his bosom, and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, like snow.
In following the word of the Lord, his hand became leprous, like snow. The type of disease described here always started with a blemish and progressively grew. The instant change from healthy to leprous would be contrary to any such known experience, and the fact that it was only on the hand which had been hidden would make it all the more remarkable.
Further, it was absolutely incurable. Thus only the hand of God could be involved in what had occurred. In Numbers 12, Aaron and Miriam will speak against Moses and the result of God’s judgment will be most notable. There it says –
“So the anger of the Lord was aroused against them, and He departed. 10 And when the cloud departed from above the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam became leprous, as white as snow.” Numbers 12:9. 10
The rod showed the vocation and implied the power of the individual. However, the hand holds the rod and wields the power. The leprosy then implies a type of judgment as much as anything else. And so we continue…
7 And He said, “Put your hand in your bosom again.”
Moses was probably more than pleased to respond to this command.
7 (con’t) So he put his hand in his bosom again, and drew it out of his bosom, and behold, it was restored like his other flesh.
If the change from healthy to leprous was amazing, the sudden cure back to healthy would be astonishing. Whereas the changing of the rod was a sign of divine power which credited Moses with authority, the changing of the hand was both a warning and a lesson for obedience to the appointed leader.
As we saw, Aaron and Miriam failed to heed that and Miriam received judgment. The granting of this sign to Moses was intended to show the dangers of resisting the Lord’s command, but also it was a sign of assured deliverance for those who obey it.
This second sign then also once again pictures Christ. The hand is a sign of power, particularly the right hand. Jesus from eternity past has been the one to wield the power of God. However, for a term, He came to dwell among us and took on our nature.
If the leprosy was a picture of sin and sin’s resulting judgment, then we can more clearly see His work. In the book of 2 Corinthians, Paul writes these words –
“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:20, 21
Just as Moses’ leprous hand was a sign and a warning to the Israelites, even a plea through him, that they be reconciled to God, so was the work of Christ. He took on our human nature and died on a cross, becoming sin for us that we, through Him, might be reconciled to God.
After His work, He ascended to heaven, once again restored to His rightful position of wielding the power of God. It is a position for all eternity to come. In Christ, man is cleansed when he is obedient to His call. However, his sin and judgment remains when he fails to heed it. This is all pictured in the sign given to Moses.
8 “Then it will be, if they do not believe you, nor heed the message of the first sign, that they may believe the message of the latter sign.
The word “message” here is actually “voice.” And so this verse more appropriately would say –
“It will happen, if they will neither believe you nor listen to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.” World English Translation
Throughout the pages of the Bible it is noted that we can learn from God and we can learn from creation. And so these things are said to have their own voice. This is seen for example in the memorable words of David found in the 19th Psalm –
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.” Psalm 19:1-3
The day, the night, the heavens above us, the beasts of the field, and even the stones themselves all have a voice which cries out. This is what the Lord means in these words to Moses. The signs, not Moses, will first proclaim their voice to the people.
The rod itself is actually shown to have a voice of its own elsewhere in Scripture. In Micah 6, the same word for rod, matteh, is said to speak to the people –
The Lord’s voice cries to the city—
Wisdom shall see Your name:
“Hear the rod!
Who has appointed it? Micah 6:9
As these signs have pictured the work of the Lord, they are a voice calling out for us to understand, believe, and accept His work – all which is pictured by this encounter between the Lord and Moses. He has been called to be the leader of the people. As the Lord’s messenger, he has been endowed with the power necessary to accomplish his calling. It is a perfect description of Christ.
The just will live by their faith, it is true
It must be believed that the signs are from the Lord
The Person, the work, the Life given for you
It is all recorded in God’s precious word
The cross is our payment for sin
Because on the cross Christ became sin for us
And thus over the devil the victory He did win
Such is the marvel of the work of Jesus
How can it be that such love can be found?
Love to amaze, dazzle, and astound
III. Water and Blood (verse 9)
9 And it shall be, if they do not believe even these two signs,
There is no record that they either accepted or rejected the first two signs. All it will say when Moses meets with them is the following from the end of chapter 4 –
“Then Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel. 30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the Lord had spoken to Moses. Then he did the signs in the sight of the people. 31 So the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel and that He had looked on their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshiped.” Exodus 4:29-31
As the Lord is all-knowing and so would know whether the first two signs would be believed or not, then there must be a reason He says this now and why He will say His coming words of the rest of the verse.
There is nothing which is uncertain in God, only pure knowledge and specific reasoning. Such is the case with His word. It is given in a detailed way to show us more than just an old story of how Israel left Egypt, but a continuing story of how the future will also unfold.
9 (con’t) or listen to your voice,
The first two signs that were given had their own voice. They were fully capable of speaking the intent of the Lord to the people. However, Moses himself could add to that. One person can look up in the sky and see blue and hear God speaking to them of beauty.
Another person can look up in the sky and see blue and hear God speaking to them of nice weather. Another may hear that its a good day to paint the house. All of these are the same voice from God’s creation speaking to individuals in various ways.
However, there are other people who understand the reason for the blue. On a nice, clear, and cloudless day, the sky is blue because the molecules in the air take the blue light from the sun and scatter it more than they scatter the sun’s red light.
Yes, the dust that we so dislike is what gives us our blue, blue skies during the day. At sunset, the red and orange is seen because the blue light has been scattered out, away from the line of sight. Like the blue of the sky, the people may hear the Lord’s signs from Moses, but they may not understand them.
But Moses could then add his own voice to the signs, explaining them and relaying to them his own experience before the bush in order to convince the people of God’s plan. However, they may also reject the first two signs and the voice of Moses as well. In this contingency, a third sign is to be given…
9 (con’t) that you shall take water from the river and pour it on the dry land.
The river spoken of is the Nile. It is with all certainty, and even to this day, the source of Egypt’s continued life. Should God stop up the waters, only death would be left throughout the land. The Nile then was a sort of deity to the Egyptians, the giver of life.
The dry ground or yabbashah in Hebrew is obvious. It is land which is without moisture. The word is used 14 times in the Bible and the first two are in the Genesis creation account where the dry ground is brought forth from the waters.
The dry ground is that which is in contradistinction to the waters then. Without the water, there is no life. This is seen clearly in Isaiah 44 when speaking of the reinvigoration of the Israelite people –
“Yet hear now, O Jacob My servant,
And Israel whom I have chosen.
2 Thus says the Lord who made you
And formed you from the womb, who will help you:
‘Fear not, O Jacob My servant;
And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,
And floods on the dry ground;
I will pour My Spirit on your descendants,
And My blessing on your offspring;” Isaiah 44:1-3
What should happen when water is poured on dry ground is obvious. What will happen is to be unexpected –
*9 (fin) The water which you take from the river will become blood on the dry land.”
What should give life instead will instead give judgment. The land cannot thrive on blood. Instead the land will remain dead. It is a picture of the Lord and His word once again. In Him is the water of life. Isaiah, John, and Revelation equate the water with life and with the Lord. However, in the Lord there is also judgment for all people.
The judgment will be found in Him for us, or in us from Him, but either way, there must be judgment for all who have sinned, and all have, in fact, sinned. For the third time, a sign is given which points to the Person and Work of Christ; His life and His cross.
To the Israelites, the first sign, the rod, was given for those already disposed to right religion and seeking out the work of God. The second sign, the leprous hand, would act upon the fears of those not yet convinced, but who became amenable to calling on God for safety’s sake.
The third sign, that of the water and the blood, was a sign to the rest who looked to the Nile as a god but then realized that Yehovah, the God of Moses, was greater than this supposed giver of Egyptian life.
Again, the rod showed that a mere stick of wood could become a great power to destroy. The leprous hand, and the hand made whole, showed the ability to both punish and the ability to save. And the water and the blood showed that the world cannot count on all things continuing on without correction. Peace and prosperity without God can only end in judgment, suffering, and bloodshed – a picture of the tribulation period.
Finally, in these three signs are seen the three offices of Christ. The staff is emblematic of His prophetic office. He would come to proclaim the word of God and to destroy the serpent. The leprosy is emblematic of His priestly office. He would come to cleanse His people of sin.
And the third is a picture of His kingly office. He will judge the unrepentant world and their false gods through righteousness. Thus we see in the three signs Christ, our Prophet, Priest, and King.
According to EW Bullinger, “…the number three points us to what is real, essential, perfect, substantial, complete, and Divine.” Surely this description perfectly matches the giving of these three signs. In them, we see the perfect, full, and Divine picture of the work of Christ for His people.
Because of this, Moses himself makes a splendid picture of one working for the Lord. He has been entrusted with the word of God, just as Jesus is the word of God. He has been granted the power of God, thus reflecting Christ who is the power of God. And he is a God-sent prophet, just as Christ is the ultimate embodiment of the Spirit of prophecy. He is our Lord; He is Jesus.
Once again, in just a mere nine verses, we’ve seen literally dozens of pictures of either the Person of Christ or the work that He accomplished. Sure enough as He told the people of Israel, all Scripture testifies of Him. It is all about Him and it is all intended to wake us up to our need for Him.
God knew before giving these three signs as to whether the people would believe the first two signs or not. And yet, he gave the third sign anyway, not because the first two may not have been believed, but because He wanted us to see the work of His Son confirmed and established through the three of them.
Obviously, if God gave such minute detail to these verses in order for us to see Jesus, then He really expects us to pay heed to them and to the message they convey. And so, as I do each week, I’d ask for another moment or two to tell you the simple path to salvation through the work of Jesus…
Closing Verse: “The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The Lord is over many waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.” Psalm 29:3, 4
If the voice of what is created is filled with wisdom and knowledge, how much more the voice of the Lord who did the creating. Surely His voice is full of majesty!
Next Week: Exodus 4:10-17 (Filling Life’s Gaps) (11th Exodus sermon)
The Lord has you exactly where He wants you. He has a good plan and purpose for you. Even if a deep ocean lies ahead of You, He can part the waters and lead you through it on dry ground. So follow Him and trust Him and He will do marvelous things for you and through you.
The Voice of the Signs
Then Moses answered and said
“But suppose they will not believe me
Or listen to my voice instead
Suppose they say
‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”
And to this word no attention they pay
What then shall I do?
So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
He said, “A rod I use when walking on the land”
And He said, “Cast it on the ground”
So on the ground it he cast
And it became a serpent, so not hanging around
Moses fled from it really fast
Then the Lord said to Moses, He did submit
“Reach out your hand and take it by the tail”
And he reached out his hand and caught it
And it became a rod in his hand, no longer did it flail
That they may believe that the Lord
God of their fathers is who
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac
And the God of Jacob has appeared to you
Furthermore to him said the Lord
“Now in your bosom put your hand
And he put his hand in his bosom at that word
In order to understand
And when he took it out, behold, what a show
His hand was leprous; white like snow
And He said, “Put again in your bosom your hand
So he put his hand in his bosom again
And drew it out of his bosom, and behold! we understand
It was restored like his other flesh, like that of normal men
Then it will be, by this design
If they do not believe you
Nor heed the message of the first sign
That they may believe the message of the latter sign that you do
And it shall be, if they do not believe the sign from its Giver
Even these two signs, or listen to your voice
That you shall take water from the river
And pour it on the dry land; another sign, another choice
The water which you take from the river
Will become blood on the dry land
So they know that of life I am the giver
And that I am He who judges, this too they will understand
Three signs given for Israel to see and believe
And the signs testify to the work of the Lord Jesus
Let us refrain from lies intended to deceive
And hold fast to the word which God has given to us
Thank You, yes thank You, O great and awesome God
For the marvelous treasure, the superior word
It is a radiant light for the path on which we trod
And it leads us to the loving arms of Jesus our Lord
Hallelujah and Amen…