Monday, 12 March 2018
That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. 2 Timothy 1:14
The words here reflect the same thought as that of 1 Timothy 6:20 – “O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust.” This “good thing” is the gospel message of Christ and all that is rightly associated with it. It includes proper doctrine, teaching in love, fleeing unrighteousness, etc. Paul is imploring Timothy to be a man of God who proclaims the word of God which speaks of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul tells Timothy, “This was committed to you.”
Paul had personally laid his hands upon Timothy (along with other elders as is noted in 1 Timothy 4:14), and he had entrusted to him the responsibility of the most important treasure any person could ever possess. Having it so committed to him, Timothy is now implored to “keep by the Holy Spirit” this good thing.
Men of God wrote the word of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. As this is so, it is only right to entrust the Holy Spirit to be the one to secure it rightly in ourselves. The word “keep” signifies “having an eye on.” It refers “to the uninterrupted vigilance shepherds show in keeping their flocks” (HELPS Word Studies). Man’s mind is prone to wander, his thoughts are corrupted by the sin nature, and his ability to discern what is right is influenced by his character and presuppositions. In order to keep the gospel pure an untainted, a total reliance on the Holy Spirit is necessary.
When Scripture was written, it was done by the direct influence of God. Therefore, the direct influence of God, without all of those limitations of man, is necessary to rightly discern its meaning. And this isn’t something which must be sought out and groped for. Instead, Paul says that the Holy Spirit “dwells in us.”
This is to be taken in the limited sense of “believers” only. A person who has not received Jesus Christ does not have the Holy Spirit in him. However, upon belief, the Holy Spirit seals the believer (Ephesians 1:13, 14). From that moment, we are to grow in fellowship. This is done by being “filled with the Spirit,” a passive action. We are to yield, and the Spirit will fill. In this, Timothy will be able to properly keep that which is entrusted to him, and each believer will be able to move into a closer relationship with God. But this process can also be quenched. Therefore, the admonition here is for Timothy to always fan the flame and be intimately connected to God through yielding to the Spirit. In this, he will certainly keep that which is entrusted to him.
Life application: No person is immune from quenching the Spirit. In fact, as long as we are in these mortal bodies, it is the default position. We must yield to the Spirit, and in so doing we will be filled. Eventually, if we pursue righteousness, the default position moves closer and closer to a full connection with the Spirit. But this bond can still be quenched, and so we must always remain on guard in this matter.
Lord God, as believers in Christ, help us to keep the precious deposit which has been entrusted to us. May we yield to Your Spirit, being filled even to overflowing with Your presence. May there always be more of You and less of us evident to this dark world. And when we stray, call us back to You. Surely we are prone to wander, and so keep us from this. This we petition in Jesus’ name. Amen.