…for you know what commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:2
As normal, the word “for” is given to either explain or confirm something just stated. The same is true here. He just said, “just as you received from us how you out to walk and to please God.” That is the basis for saying “for” now. It is those commandments which Paul and his associates gave to those in Thessalonica “through the Lord Jesus.”
Paul’s words must be true as he is stating in the letter that they had really been told these things. If no such commandments were given, then he couldn’t call them to memory now. Further, he was with them such a short time earlier that they would certainly be able to recollect those things he had said to them.
This is important because the longer someone is gone, the duller the memory gets. Eventually, ten people would have ten different ideas about what was said. Paul is asking them to consider those commandments and apply them to their walk. As they are “through the Lord Jesus,” meaning they carry the weight of His instruction to Paul, which he in turn passed on to the Thessalonians, then it is this very set of commandments which which will guide their walk and make them pleasing to God.
The inspiration of Paul’s teaching as an apostle is seen in these words, and it carries throughout this letter and all of his letters. It is confirmed by Peter as well. Peter says that Paul’s letters are on an equal footing with Scripture in 2 Peter 3:15, 16. It is an important precept to remember. What Paul says is doctrine for the church age.
Life application: There are many things in Scripture which are hard to remember. In fact, if we aren’t in the word daily, we will quickly dull in regards to them. Anyone who thinks they can pick up the Bible once, read through it, and assume that they are now fully prepared for living out a proper Christian walk is deluded. It must be read continuously, and it must be meditated on always.
Most gracious and merciful heavenly Father. Your love for us is apparent in ten thousand ways each day. The good food we have, the beautiful sunrises that inspire, the call of the birds to one another, and even the twinkling of the stars at night… each of these shows that you really care for us. How much more when we consider the cross. It is the most wonderful demonstration of the Father’s love. Thank You for bringing us home through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.