1 Corinthians 11:31


Thursday, 27 November 2014

For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 1 Corinthians 11:31

In this verse, Paul makes a change to include himself in his words by saying “we.” It is a way of identifying with the Corinthians in the struggle of life and the fight against sin. And how true his words ring in any situation! “For” ties the thought directly to his previous words that “many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.” It is a type of disciplinary judgment which has been rendered upon the church at Corinth to get them to realize their state. In realization, they should then contemplate, and in contemplation, they should act.

The reason for having laws is more often than not a way of keeping people from harm. If we ignore the law, we are bound to get harmed. However, if we are caught in the act, we may receive whatever punishment the law mandates in order to get us to consider and correct our ways. The same is true with the precepts of the Bible. There is an expected standard, often explicit and often implicit. In the case of the Lord’s Supper, the standard was and is explicit. We know this because of what Paul said earlier in verse 23, “For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you.”

Therefore, in the verbal instruction of the Lord’s Supper he would have given all that was necessary to avoid the judgments which had come upon them. If they had considered their ways, there would have been no weakness, sickness, or death that could be attributed to their improper conduct. However, at the same time, there would have been no instructions for the Lord’s Supper in writing for future generations either. So even in the discipline of the Corinthians, a good result has arisen. With the inclusion of these written instructions, all churches have the same information with which to conduct this rite.

Because we have this specific instruction, how much more accountable to the Lord are we! Therefore, let us judge ourselves so that we will not be judged. With your proper knowledge, don’t hesitate to note what needs correction in your own church.

Life application: Be sure to read, contemplate, and then apply the precepts of the Bible. In so doing, you will avoid many of the pitfalls which it is trying to keep you from.

How I cherish my time with You O God!
Each moment as I live, You are here with me
Every single step that I take on the path which I trod
You illuminate it so that I can see

Your word is a lamp to my feet, it is true
It is a light to my path, wherever I go
There is never a time that I am without You
I have hidden Your word in my heart, I cherish it so

Yes Lord, thank You for the sound council and guidance in Your word. As I apply it to my life, I know that I can avoid many trials and pits which would otherwise come my way. And in the times of trials that do come, I have the perfect assurance that it is being used for a good end. I don’t need to worry or fret, but to simply place those things in Your capable hands and rest in You! Thank You for this blessed assurance. Amen.


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