Sunday, 10 May 2015
The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. 1 Corinthians 16:19
“Asia” here is the general area of Asia Minor. The churches that were in that region obviously communicated with one another often. In their communications, they remembered those in Corinth with fraternal thoughts. As Paul traveled, he certainly brought up the many areas he had visited in conversation, remembering their needs and speaking of their strengths.
Along with the churches, Aquila and Priscilla wanted to make sure those in Corinth knew they were still on their hearts and minds. They had previously been members of the church in Corinth and moved with Paul as he traveled. Together “with the church that is in their house” they sent on their hearty greetings.
Paul’s final salutations are careful to include such heartfelt thoughts, knowing that such remembrances add a personal touch to the communication. In the case of this letter, it would help those in Corinth to assimilate all of his advice and instruction in a welcoming manner. The issues he has addressed were many and very sensitive in nature. For him to add these thoughts from other churches and people shows that they were held in a positive light during his conversations with them. It is a tactful way of closing out this important epistle.
Life application: Speaking well of others when they aren’t around is always a favorable way of ensuring that they know they are loved. Such words of favor inevitably will get back to the one being spoken of. Let our words about others always be salted with grace and charity.
Lord, how easy it is for misunderstandings to come up between people when conversations are misconstrued. Help my words to be filled with grace and charity and also with thoughtful consideration as I speak or write. Because misunderstandings arise, feelings are inevitably going to be hurt unless intent is clear and the words are spoken in love. And should my words be taken in a wrong way, give me the ability to correct the confusion in a manner which will bring restoration to the relationship. Help me in this Lord. Amen.