Stairway to… Wyoming Capitol.
Friday, 24 May 2024
And in all we were two hundred and seventy-six persons on the ship. Acts 27:37
Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here to listen).
You can also read this commentary, scrolling with music, courtesy of our friends at “Discern the Bible” on YouTube. (Click Here to listen), or at Rumble (Click Here to listen).
The Greek provides a stress on the people, offsetting them for effect, “And we were, all the souls in the ship, two hundred seventy-six” (CG).
In the previous verse, the people were encouraged by Paul’s example and took food. Now, to show the importance of what Paul had done, it next says, “And we were.”
Luke is preparing the mind for the next clause, which is offset, thus making it the main thought. Those words are, “all the souls in the ship.”
The human soul is important to God, and thus it was important to Paul and Luke. Those on the ship were destitute of strength and encouragement, but Paul was able to change that state. And it wasn’t a small ship with a few passengers on board.
Rather, it was a ship filled with people, each an individual who had the possibility of being redeemed by Jesus Christ through Paul’s ministry. Of these people, Luke says there were “two hundred seventy-six.”
The number is not without significance. The previous verse just said that “they all were encouraged.” This gives a number for the mind to grasp concerning how many “all” really was.
Luke was probably prompted at this time to continue with the exacting record that he had thus far been so careful with. Paul had a chance to demonstrate to such a large contingent of people that faith in God was not in vain. Luke felt it was worth taking the time to show that this one prisoner was able to change the attitude of so many people with a simple demonstration of that faith.
Further, the head count was probably made at this time to ensure that the same number was accounted for whenever they reached land. Coming in verse 44, it will say that all safely reached the land. How could one make that claim unless they knew how many heads there were?
The number of people is not exceptional for that time in history though. Josephus records that on a ship he was on, and which was also wrecked, there were 600 people aboard. Many have tried to find a spiritual symbolism in the number 276, some even to the point of being goofy, but none of these attempts have held up to scrutiny.
It is possible the number has a deeper significance, but even if not, it is an accurate record to account for the number who were then brought safely to land.
Life application: If the words and actions of Paul and Luke while on the ship, and later on the land, were effective enough, they could have actually brought all to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
Just think of the difference that could have made. Two hundred and seventy-six people go out to various locations, families, and settings (such as those going to prison). If each was then willing to share that same good news, the number of people who might come to Jesus could increase geometrically.
This is one of the reasons for the book of Acts. It is given to show how the church was established and grew. But each one of us is living in an ongoing setting of the progression of the church as it marches through time and history.
Each one of us can have an impact on the world in which we live, if we will simply hand out a tract, open our mouths to our friends, or support our local churches and their missionaries.
If not you, then who? Be a part of the continuing story that began in the book of Acts, and which will continue until the trumpet sounds and the church is called home to glory. Don’t sit on your hands idling your time away! Be one who encourages others through your faith in Jesus Christ. Do it with cheer and do it today!
Lord God, may we be a part of the great thing You are doing in the world as You build Your church. Help us not to be a chipped block on an outside wall of Your temple, but a shining stone that radiates out Your goodness to the world as we await the return of our Lord. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.