Ephesians 5:15


Sunday, 16 October 2016

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, Ephesians 5:15

Paul now begins with “See then…” This is an instruction based on the previous verse –

Therefore He says:
“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.”

As we are given the light of Christ, we are then to ensure that we “walk circumspectly.” The word is akribós, and it means, “‘the high point, extreme,’ … properly, extremely accurate, very exact; ‘more (very) accurate’ because researched down to the finest detail (‘factually precise’)” (HELPS Word Studies).

In other words, our walk is to be based on that light which we receive when we depart from the ways in which we once lived, and instead pursue Christ as He is. This is described by Paul with the words, “not as fools but as wise.” Fools in the Bible are depicted as having no spiritual wisdom. They live in sensual pleasure and pursue those desires with reckless abandon. They are careless about sin and unconcerned about the things of God.

The wise, on the other hand, are those who fear God. The fear of the Lord, the Bible says, is the beginning of wisdom. After fearing the Lord, they pursue Him and His ways. They emulate Him and are willing to be pleasing to Him, as faithful subjects of His kingdom. Their eyes are set on heavenly things, away from that which is earthly and sensual.

Life application: Let us endeavor to pursue the words of this verse with all of our hearts and souls. And the way to do so is to know what the Lord considers foolish or wise. This is learned through applying the words of Scripture. Learn your Bible!

Lord God, Your word tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Instill in us this reverential fear, and then instill in us the desire to pursue You and Your ways, molding ourselves and our lives to be more and more like You. Let us walk in the light of Christ, given to us as obedient subjects of Your glorious kingdom. Amen.


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