Colossians 3:6

Monday, 8 May 2017

Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, Colossians 3:6

Paul wrote of the wrath of God in Romans 1, explaining what brings it about. The things he mentions in verse 2 are a part of that process. It is because of participating in these things that the world is judged. And this judgment follows two distinct lines. The first is judgment in this world through diseases, conflicts which lead to physical harm or death, and the like. The second judgment is that of being cast for all eternity away from the presence of God. The Lake of Fire is the ultimate end for all β€œthe sons of disobedience.”

As an apostle, Paul is showing us the importance of setting our minds on things above, living lives that are holy, and leading others who have not yet called on Christ to do so. Without Him, there is but one ultimate end for the souls of man. We can either be a Son of God through adoption, or remain a son of disobedience and be eternally separated from Him. The warnings of Scripture, to include the apostolic warnings (which are now recorded in the Bible), are given to direct us away from that which is harmful, and which brings about the wrath of God, and toward that which is pleasing to Him.

Life application: To ignore the warnings of Scripture can only lead to a sad end. There will be trials and pains in this life, and there will be either judgment and condemnation for non-believers, or a loss of rewards for believers. Stand firm on the word, and do not be deceived by vain things which are contrary to the word of God.

Lord God, Your word is often looked at as a book of heavy-handed rules which limit freedom and which steal joy. But this is the furthest thing from the truth. Instead of some type of bondage for disobedience which eventually leads to punishment and death, in it there is the freedom of living for You, and with no fear of that which brings condemnation. The rules in a society are given for the good of the people. How much more then is Your word given for the benefit of Your people! Thank You for the marvelous protections and safeties which Your word gives us. Amen.

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