Wednesday, 19 April 2017
…and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. Colossians 2:10
The word “complete” in Greek signifies being made full, and the word “you” is plural. It is speaking to all who are in Christ. The order of the wording in Greek gives us the idea of what is being relayed – “And you are in Him, made full.” Thus it is a combination of two statements. “You are in Him,” and “You are filled full in Him.” It is a sentence which takes us back to the previous verse which said, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”
Therefore the thought for us to see is that “In Him dwells all the fullness, and as you are in Him, you are filled. Paul is showing them that our sufficiency is of Christ alone. There is no need for the things that he referred to in verse 8 concerning the philosophy which the Greeks taught and the traditions of man which the Jews taught. Rather, everything necessary for salvation, and continued spiritual growth, is found in Christ alone, “who is the head of all principality and power.”
This is a term that he uses also in Ephesians 1:21. The words which are translated as “principality and power” give the idea of government and the authority committed to that government. Christ’s position is above all such things. As there are both earthly and heavenly hierarchies, it signifies that He is the ultimate authority on earth and in heaven; He is God. Because of this, it is contrary to what is proper to petition lesser beings, such as angels or popes, in order to seek God’s grace and blessings. To do so would deprive Christ of His position within the Godhead, and it would thus diminish what it means for us to be in Him.
Albert Barnes notes four areas in particular in which this thought especially applies. 1) In wisdom needed to guide us; 2) in atonement needed for sin; 3) in merit by which a sinner is justified; and, 4) in grace needed to sustain us. We derive these things from Christ Jesus, not from lesser sources.
Life application: There is no praying to angels, to Mary, to a pope, or to a saint authorized in Scripture. There is no class of person who is initiated in spiritual matters that we need to seek in order to be saved, or to continue to be saved. There is no tradition of man that can help us in our walk with or to God. In Christ, we have the fullness of what we need in order meet these and all other spiritual challenges and needs. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.
Lord God, how is it that we get so misdirected concerning Your word? We are told in Scripture that in Christ we have everything necessary to fill us completely in our spiritual walk with You. And yet, instead of living in Christ, we devolve to praying to or through angels, saints, Mary, or popes. Where does that type of thinking come from? In Christ, we have the highest authority in heaven and on earth. Why would we presume to step down from that high, exalted, and lofty throne? Help us to think clearly, and to trust the mediation of Christ completely. Amen.