2 Corinthians 9:9


Tuesday, 27 October 2015

As it is written:
“He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever.”
 2 Corinthians 9:9

Paul returns to Scripture to make his point concerning his words of verses 6-8, but particularly verse 6. Here we find a quote from Psalm 112:9. Psalm 112 reviews the blessed status of a righteous man, and thus the words there show the cause and effect of his righteousness. In this portion of the psalm, it notes that “He has dispersed abroad.” The idea is that of a farmer sowing seeds. He carefully scatters his seed, tending to where each falls in order to bring about a harvest.

When a righteous man gives, it is with a sense of care and purpose, not in a willy-nilly manner. But this doesn’t just mean to people or places that will in turn directly bless him. Rather he has even “given to the poor.” His open hand of seed is careful to ensure that those who could never repay him are the recipients of his kind heart. This follows through with verse 7 which said that, each should give as he “purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Such a man will reap a great harvest, not necessarily in more money, but in an eternal and blessed state. As the psalmist says, “His righteousness endures forever.” The only way this could come about is by having been blessed with eternal life. The fruit of sowing in this life is that of an eternal harvest. Such is the blessed state of a righteous man.

It should be noted though that deeds of righteousness are not in and of themselves meriting of heaven. Only a person who is in Christ will have those deeds counted towards his eternal state. The greatest giver on earth cannot buy heaven through his charity. Only through Christ can eternal life be attained.

Life application: God is aware of every seed you have sown and He will reward you for those that were done in faith. Don’t worry if no one sees your good deeds here on earth. God in heaven does and He is pleased with them.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity You have given to us to be charitable to others. If we have, it is because it all came from You. If we hoard away our treasure, it truly serves no purpose. Thieves can steal it, the government will certainly do their best to take it, and when we die, it will go to one who did not earn it. And so give us the right sense to pass on what we can to others in need. Help us to use the time we have, the things we possess, and the abilities You have blessed us with in a way which will return honor to You. Amen.



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