Hebrews 1:10

Friday, 10 August 2018

You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of Your hands. Hebrews 1:10

The words of this verse are tied directly back to verse 8 which began with, “But to the Son He says.” From there, the remaining substance of verses 8 & 9 was applied to the Son of God, Jesus. The connecting Greek word kai, or “and,” continues that same thought then. The words are still directed to the Son. They continue to be given to show the superiority of the Son over the angels (verse 7 & 8), but they also continue to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is, in fact, God. The words are taken from Psalm 102. This verse consists of Psalm 102:25, and the coming two verses in Hebrews will continue to follow the verses of the psalm. With the addition of “Like a cloak” in verse 12, they are almost a word for word quote from the Greek translation of the psalm.

In Psalm 102:24, the psalmist’s words speak directly to God, and the words to Him then continue to the end of the psalm. It is without a doubt that the thoughts being now ascribed to Jesus, the Son of God, are intended to show that He is the means by which God accomplished the things now stated. To use them in some type of literary fashion, without this being the intent, would be to rob God of His glory. But in understanding that Jesus is the second member of the Godhead, it exalts God. And so, with this understanding, the author begins the quote with, “You, Lord.”

The word kurios, or “Lord,” can have a variety of significations. However, in the case of this citation, it is speaking of LORD (Yehovah of the Old Testament). This is based on the fact that “God” of Psalm 102:24 is called LORD eight times prior to His being called “my God.” The psalmist spoke to the LORD, and then He acknowledges that the LORD is his God. The author of Hebrews accepts this, applies it to Jesus, and then goes on to say, “in the beginning.”

This is speaking of the beginning referenced in Genesis 1:1. If the Son was there at the beginning, then He was there prior to that beginning. As there is, and can be, only one God (there can only be one Necessary Being), then the Son is God. It is He who “laid the foundation of the earth.”

These words demonstrate the creative hand of the Son. It confirms He is the God of Genesis 1:1, and the same God spoken of in John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-18, and etc. There can only be one Creator. All others are contingent beings, and no contingent being can create. To understand this, and the other First Principles of logic concerning the Creator, you can refer to this sermon: Click Here

The author continues his quote, which is being applied to the Son, with, “And the heavens are the work of Your hands.” Again, this is a direct thought from Genesis 1:1 where it is God who created the heavens and the earth. It is further seen, as noted already, that this God is the LORD (Yehovah) and that Jesus Christ is thus the incarnation of Yehovah. As already alluded to, for one to ascribe these creative efforts to a created being would be the epitome of blasphemy. It would be to rob God of His glory. But in understanding that God has revealed Himself through Jesus Christ in these ways, it exalts God. As seen in a previous verse, when one exalts the Son, they are exalting the Father. There is no jealousy within the Godhead, but a complementing of one another because of the very nature of the Godhead.

Life application: If you are following these commentaries, and are still in denial that Jesus Christ is the One being spoken of in the Psalm, and thus the LORD God (Yehovah), you are basing your denial on a presupposition. You have two options: drop your presupposition, accept Christ Jesus as LORD, receiving Him as such unto salvation, or you will be condemned for believing in a false Christ. Be wise, be discerning, and call on Jesus, who is God.

Glorious God, what an amazing story the Bible tells! You were willing to step out of the eternal realm in order to redeem us. You did all that was necessary, You accomplished the work by Your own hand, and then You simply ask us to believe that what You have done through Christ Jesus is sufficient. Turn our hearts to accepting the truth of Jesus, and save us from our fallen state. We believe! We receive! Thank You, O God, for what You have done. Amen.

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