Tuesday, 29 September 2020
and I will give him the morning star.” Revelation 2:28
This verse ends the list of honors mentioned in the letter to Thyatira that will be granted to the one who overcomes. As clear as the words are, they are debated as to the actual meaning of what the Lord is saying. At the close of the Bible, we read these words in Revelation 22:16 –
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
Further, in 2 Peter, this is stated –
“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;” 2 Peter 1:19
Peter’s words are certainly speaking of Christ. Just three verses earlier, he said, “we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” The prophetic word, then, speaks of and anticipates the glories of Christ. It is what we now have to illuminate to us His majesty. Peter also refers to the dawning of the day. That is probably a reference to the words of Malachi –
“But to you who fear My name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves.” Malachi 4:2
Jesus is both the Sun of Righteousness and the Bright and Morning Star. The major debate is whether Jesus is saying, “I will give of myself,” because He is the “Morning Star,” or is it saying something like, “I will make the dawn of salvation or of life eternal shine on him after his dark afflictions” (Expositors Greek Testament).
The main consideration is that of the idea of the dawning of the day. Malachi says, “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise.” Peter says, “until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” Jesus says, “the morning star.” All three speak of the time of transition from darkness to light. As the term in Revelation 22:16 is more exacting, a conclusion can be made based on that difference –
ton astera ton prōinon – the star the morning (2:28)
ho aster ho lampros ho prōinos – the star the bright the morning (22:16)
What then may be conveyed here is that any star (or planet) that remains in the sky as the sun rises would be like jewel in a crown. Albert Barnes agrees with this saying –
“The idea seems to be, that the Saviour would give him something that would resemble that morning planet in beauty and splendor – perhaps meaning that it would be placed as a gem in his diadem, and would sparkle on his brow – bearing some such relation to him who is called ‘the Sun of Righteousness,’ as the morning star does to the glorious sun on his rising. If so, the meaning would be that he would receive a beautiful ornament, bearing a near relation to the Redeemer himself as a bright sun – a pledge that the darkness was past – but one whose beams would melt away into the superior light of the Redeemer himself, as the beams of the morning star are lost in the superior glory of the sun.”
Life application: Whether Christ is saying He will give of Himself (which is already a true statement), or whether we will be together with Him as stars in glory (see Daniel 12:3), we will share in His goodness for all eternity. He will lead us to the still waters and the soft grass of the Garden lost so long ago. Although the Bible in general and Revelation in particular are full of judgment and woe, this judgment is on sin and those who act contrary to God’s will. God gives us the choice and when we exercise it contrary to His ordinances, it is always at our own loss.
God is gracious and abundant in mercy, and He wants to lavish His goodness upon each of us. Because He created us, He knows what is best and what we should avoid. The prospect of sharing in/with the Person of Jesus for all eternity is the most wonderful prospect of all. He is the Bright Morning Star and the One who illuminates the splendor of God to us.
Like Peter’s words (above), all of the prophetic word is meant to direct us and guide us to Jesus. It is a light shining in the dark world in which we live, and it is there to tell us of God’s great love for us and His great Gift to us – Jesus. Don’t miss the bigger picture of what God is doing by getting bogged down in judgment and destruction. These things are necessary in order for us to finally be at peace with our Creator.
O Lord God! Thank You so much for the promise that we have of forever dwelling in Your marvelous light. Thank You for Jesus our Lord who is the Bright and Morning Star. May we walk by His light and stay on the proper path until that great day when we are called to our true home. Thank You for your grace, your love, and your mercy! Amen.