Romans 12:5


Saturday, 9 November 2013

…so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Romans 12:5

Using the previous verse as a reference, Paul says, “so we…” Just as there are many members in one body, and just as the members have their own unique function which differs from the others, so it is with all those in Christ. There are many in Christ and yet each has a unique role. We could argue that there are lots of pastors, but each pastor has a specific flock. Or even if the pastors are in the same congregation, they will minister at different times and to different individuals for different reasons. There may be many door greeters, but each door greeter greets different people and does so in a unique way.

No matter what the member does, all are members of “one body in Christ.” In Ephesians 1:22, 23 we are told that Christ is the Head. This doesn’t mean He is literally the head as if one is looking at a person’s head. Rather, “head” is speaking of His leadership and preeminence. With Christ in this position, every member (many) comprises the body in an individual role which is uniquely united to all others; we are “members of one another.”

In Christ, the saying is true that “No man is an island.” We are bound to each other under the headship of Christ and have importance and value. However, far too many allow their role to be more like a fingernail than a finger, finding it sufficient to be attached to the body, but only of use in a minimal way. Being a member of Christ’s church indicates that we should put forth effort in order to exalt the Head.

Life application: We all have talents in our secular employment which can probably be transferred to our Christian walk. Is it right to satisfy ourselves and others outside the church with these talents while keeping them hidden from the body of Christ? Be willing to share your abilities within the church for the building up of others and the glorification of God.

Lord God, help me to be more than a bump on a log. I have talents which I know should be used to glorify You. I spend money on things which aren’t necessary while neglecting the church I attend. I spend time doing stuff which has no lasting value while I skip church and Bible studies. I’m a mess, Lord. Help me to get my priorities right as I live out this life. Amen.

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