Romans 11:1


Monday, 30 September

I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. Romans 11:1

Throughout the church age, there have been differing views on the state of the Jewish people. There was an expectancy of the Jews turning to God, but in AD70, the temple was destroyed and the Jews were dispersed. As time went on, it seemed more and more unlikely that Israel would ever be a people again. The land fell in and out of enemy hands, but for the most part, it was a barren wilderness, unsuitable to support life in an real sense. This continued through the 1800’s as was well-documented by Mark Twain in the account of his travels, Innocents Abroad, which can be read right on-line from numerous sources.

Around the world, the Jews were here and there in little pockets, but they were doing their own thing and no one could have guessed that they would ever reunite as a group of people. The many promises of the Old Testament, which are very specific and certainly “earthly” promises to Israel, were spiritualized and the church was inserted into these passages. The reason for this is obvious – “If this is God’s word, and God is truthful, then these things must belong to the church – Israel is a goner.” It was believed to be the only obvious conclusion.

But ancient pictures and prophecies clearly showed that Israel the people would be returned to Israel the land. This is seen from Genesis to Malachi and some prophecies, such as in Ezekiel 4, actually pinpoint the dating of this occurrence. In the late 1800s, this became so obvious to Bible scholars, that in advance of Israel’s reestablishment, it was understood that it was coming. The 19th century scholar E.W. Bullinger actually noted the number of years until this would come about. The only thing he lacked was what the starting date of his calculation should be.

The world was being prepared, both physically and spiritually, for the return of the people Israel to Israel the land. The Zionist movement, the re-establishment of the ancient language, the events of World War I and World War II, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls – on and on, the miraculous time was at hand. And then, on 14 May 1948 it came – Israel was reestablished. Nineteen years later, on 7 June 1967, Jerusalem once again came under Jewish control.

These things are obvious now, but at Paul’s time, and for the next 2000 years, difficult questions were asked. Misunderstanding Romans 11 – although inexcusable from a biblical standpoint, is almost understandable from a historical standpoint. The fact is, few people had access to a Bible and those that did were mostly focused on other things. When the publication of the Bible took off and people really started digging into its contents, suddenly things started to become clear.

Now that Israel is back in the land, one would think that everyone would agree on her role… well, at least everyone who was a Bible believer. But such isn’t the case. To this day, one’s early training in the issue of Israel will normally stand. If they are taught from the old school mindset, then that is what will be believed. One must actually put aside presuppositions and allow the word to be mixed with the reality around us. Israel is home and it isn’t an aberration. God is working towards the fulfillment of all of the promises previously made to them. The world is being prepared for the return of Messiah and the establishment of the Kingdom Age.

Paul gives us hints into this in Romans 11. He begins chapter 11 with an obvious question, one based on the closing quotes from chapter 10. “I say then…” is his way of getting us to think through what will be asked. In essence, “If this is so, then what about….?” He is acting as if a defendant in a trial concerning Israel’s stubborn rejection of God’s provision found in Christ. The question is, “Has God cast away His people?”

“His people” is speaking of Israel. This is obvious from the preceding verses and from the defense he will make in the coming verses. Has God cast them away? The word for “cast” is aposato: away (from)/thrust, hence “to thrust away.” Has Israel been pushed out of the biblical scene, never to return? Paul’s emphatic answer, “Certainly not!” To support this, he speaks of himself.

“For I also am an Israelite.” He is one of the people that he just asked about. Has he been cast away? No. If he is an Israelite and he hasn’t been cast away, then Israel hasn’t been cast away. One obvious conclusion from this is that Israel isn’t the church and Jews are not gentiles. Paul couldn’t say the words he is saying, even thus far in Romans 11, if the church had replaced Israel, or if there were no difference between Jew and Gentile.

He is of the physical descent of a physical group of people. Any believer in the church is considered a “spiritual descendant” of Abraham by faith (see Galatians 3). But this concept is never repeated in either Isaac or Jacob. The reason for this is that Abraham’s declaration of faith came prior to the mark of circumcision. The circumcision was an outward sign of his already-possessed faith. On the other hand, Isaac and Jacob were circumcised prior to any faith; they were members of the covenant people.

Only after noting that he is an Israelite does he say that he is “of the seed of Abraham.” This shows us that he was not only an Israelite by descent, but a true member of the faith. He would be, as termed in Galatians 6:16, of “the Israel of God”; one not only of national descent, but also of faith in God’s provision.

After stating his national lineage, and then his spiritual heritage, he returns to the national identity and defines what portion of that group he belongs to – “of the tribe of Benjamin.” This is a high honor indeed. Israel’s first king, Saul, was of the tribe of Benjamin. Further, the tribe was almost annihilated due to a case of disobedience leading to war against them by the other tribes. They were reduced to a mere 600 men (see judges 20). Members of this tribe also sided with David during his pre-ruling years. They actually supported him in opposition to the king who belonged to their own tribe (see 1 Chronicles 12). These, along with other noted accounts, could be considered a point of boasting.

In the chapter ahead, Paul will continue to speak about the state of national Israel. As stated above, one may need to put aside their presuppositions about Israel in order to understand what God has been doing and what He will do with them in the future. Israel is back home once again and unless this is just a magnificent mistake, then we need to make sure and support them, lest we be found to be fighting against God.

Life application: Diligently study the issue of Israel by diligently studying your Bible. If God has planted them again in their land for His purposes, then be sure to acknowledge that, maybe by witnessing to Jewish people or maybe by some other show of support for what He is doing.

Lord God, today I come before You in regards to the nation of Israel. Open my eyes to know if their return is simply by chance, or if it was directed by You and for Your future purposes. Help me to be informed on them as a nation and as a people. May my actions and prayers for them be in line with Your intent for them. My desire is to be pleasing to You in this matter. Amen.

Romans 10:3


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. Romans 10:3

“For” is again used to continue the on-going chain of thought. This time, it is directly related to Paul’s previous words, speaking of the Jewish people who held to the law as a means to an end, “they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” Because of this zeal, which lacks knowledge, they were “ignorant of God’s righteousness.” A few thoughts on this –

1) This is speaking of God’s means of bestowing righteousness, not God’s inherent righteousness.

2) Paul is not attempting to excuse the Jewish people for their ignorance; he is stating it as a fact and then explaining the results of it. This goes directly to the thought that misdirected faith is wasted faith, no matter how sincere it is; ignorance is no excuse. Paul uses the same thought about himself in 1 Timothy 1:13 when speaking of the time before God’s grace was bestowed upon him –

“…although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.”

Although his words here seem to indicate that he obtained the mercy because of his ignorance, this isn’t what he is saying. Rather, he received mercy because of his faith which came after his ignorance. Had he continued on in his unbelief, the mercy wouldn’t have come. This is the continued state of those Paul is speaking about. Instead, they were “seeking to establish their own righteousness.”

The righteousness of God for man is found in Christ Jesus. This is explicitly stated in Ephesians 3:9. Paul said there that he would – “be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.” But this isn’t where those he is speaking about looked. Rather than looking at Jesus as the fulfillment of the law, they used the law in an attempt to establish righteousness in themselves.

But Christ is the end of the law and they “have not submitted to the righteousness of God.” To understand this, let’s look at righteousness as a destination and different ways of attempting to get there:

The Island of Righteousness is in the middle of the ocean. Some may choose an airplane (representing being a philanthropist) to get there. But the destination has no airport and so airplanes crash in the ocean; all dead, donators drowned. Some may choose, a car (representing asceticism). But there is no road and they drive off the beach, into the water, and perish. Self-denial sinks. Some get onto a hot air balloon (representing the engagement in lofty thinking). However, the winds around the island never allow for a landing. All balloon attempts end in a bad way. Philosophy fails. These are all incorrect methods of reaching Righteousness. However, there is another way.

Some understand that one can get across the ocean by boat, and so they get onto the SS Law. God built the Law and so it is certainly fit for their journey to Righteousness. As they travel on the Law, some enjoy the mode of traveling and they start to help with the maintenance of the ship. The Law has become their obsession. When Righteousness is in sight, they don’t realize it because they are so busy working on the Law. The ship pulls up to Righteousness and those who understand that this is the final destination get off, putting their faith in the fact that they will be safe, even apart from the Law when it departs. The Island of Righteousness is their only hope, support, and source of life from that point on.

But there are those who never get off. They are so blinded by their obsession with SS Law that they never see what it was pointing to all along, Righteousness. Without leaving the ship, the Law goes back to the sea and sinks. It was designed for one purpose and one only, to reach Righteousness, which is apart from the Law. None of the other means of travel could ever safely get to Righteousness, and the SS Law had the purpose of getting there and then ending.

The last example is that which led to the state of the Jews who rejected Christ. They attempted to establish their own righteousness and failed to submit to the righteousness of God. They saw the law as a means to an end, never understanding that its intent and purpose (which is even described in the law itself) was to point to something greater; Jesus.

Life application: The Bible tells us how to reach Righteousness. When we follow the proper path and receive Christ Jesus, we are granted His righteousness. Nothing else will satisfy God. What Christ has done is all-sufficient for us to be reconciled once again to Him. Trust in Christ, live for Christ, and keep your eyes on Christ.

Heavenly Father, how I love all that You have done for us. You have granted us life, beauty, family, friendships, food, and so much more. But above all, You have given us Jesus. All other things are pleasing, but temporary. But Jesus is fully satisfying and eternal. Thank You for the sure and glorious hope You have set in my soul because of Him! Hallelujah and Amen.