17 – Leviticus 11:24-47 (Dietary Laws, Part II) – Podcast Audio

A detailed explanation of these verses with their literal, historical, pictorial, and prophetic meanings. The dietary laws of Israel are about as misunderstood as anything found in the Law of Moses. Watch and see the amazing details come to life!

16 – Leviticus 11:1-23 (Dietary Laws, Part I) – Podcast Audio

A most wonderful passage; almost beyond imagination how incredible it is in what it pictures. Strike that… beyond incredible. We go through these verses with a fine tooth comb and draw out the New Testament pictures of what is being relayed here. Please enjoy this sermon.

15 – Leviticus 10:8-20 (Absolute Zero) – Podcast Audio

Marvelous (simply marvelous!) pictures of the superiority of Christ’s work over that of the Law of Moses are found in these words. We hope and we pray that this sermon will bless you abundantly. Be uplifted, be encouraged, be filled with Christ as you pursue His superior word.

14 – Leviticus 10:1-7 (Profane Fire Before the Lord) – Podcast Audio

A detailed analysis of these verses along with their literal, historical, pictorial, and prophetic meanings. We sure hope that the insights into these seven verses will bless you abundantly.

13 – Leviticus 9:1-24 (The Glory of the Lord Will Appear to You) – Podcast Audio

A detailed analysis of these verses with their literal, historical, pictorial, and prophetic meaning. The Aaronic priesthood is now fully consecrated and they have begun their mediatorial duties which will last for about 1450 years, right up until the coming of Christ. Marvelous details are found in these verses