29 – Exodus 10:21-29 (The Plague of Darkness) – Podcast Audio

Egypt has gotten into quite a mess… it’s the Plague of Darkness. We carefully analyze these verses and see how they come together as recorded history, prophetic pictures of Christ, and as shadows of the future tribulation period.

28 – Exodus 10:12-20 (The Plague of Locusts, Part II) – Podcast Audio

Pharaoh didn’t pay heed and the plague has come. We take a detailed look into these verses and pull out some of the patterns which comprise them in relation to other sections of the Bible. Also, there is plenty of historical background concerning locust plagues elsewhere in the world. We hope you will enjoy this conclusion sermon on the 8th plague on Egypt.

27 – Exodus 10:1-11 (The Plagues of Locusts, Part I) – Podcast Audio

The eighth plague to come upon Egypt is announced in today’s sermon – locusts. Pharaoh is one tough nut and he is determined to stand against the Lord. Great insights into the Hebrew of these verses and into what it means to be saved by grace through faith. Also, this sermon addresses the parallel between the locusts in Egypt and the plague of locusts in the tribulation period.

26 – Exodus 9:22-35 (The Plague of Hail, Part II) – Podcast Audio

The completion of the Plague of Hail. This includes some wonderful prophetic pictures of what is coming in the Tribulation period. Every word has been selected by God for revealing to us what the future holds as well as what happened in the past.

25 – Exodus 9:13-21 (The Plague of Hail, Part I) – Podcast Audio

The seventh plague to come on Egypt is announced in this sermon. But there are some critical differences between this one and the previous ones. Please enjoy this informative video as Pastor Charlie explains the details… a meal filled with tasty delights!